Doing Dumb Stuff as a College Kid


Log: 95x3, 120x3, 145x3, 155x2, 175x1, 185x1, 200 miss (4 attempts)

Back off presses at 135


  • Pretty fucking pissed I missed 200. Fucking triceps are the issue. This is my punishment for being a bitch and fucking around in my training for the past 2 weeks
  • Honestly the 1st attempt was there but I lost balance and missed it. Then after that 3 misses because of my shitty triceps. Weighted dips and heavy CGBP to fix that unacceptable shit

Attempt 200lb log


At least the aggression turned is channeled into ā€œhereā€™s how I will fix itā€.

Nice attempt. Itā€™s not like this is easy.


If you donā€™t mind the unsoliscited advice/ food for thought here: You might be setting yourself up for an unstable lockout position by technique.
One thing that I found to be a game changer, is not pushing your head through before your arms are locked out. Donā€™t be afraid to bend back!

Here I got you two people who really really know their log stuff talking about pushing your head through for the lockout.


@LoRez Thanks! Iā€™ve finally learned that channeling aggression into something productive is way better than being destructive
@Koestrizer I absolutely appreciate the videos! Incredibly helpful! You always have great advice so feel free to give it!

Squat test:

Warmup: 3x

  • Monster walk
  • Knees to nipples
  • touchdown squats

Squat: 45x10, 95x10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 250x1, 275x1, 295x1

RH: 140x4x10 (30 sec rest)


  • I hate to be an ā€œandā€ lifter but this PR is 10lbs lighter than this time last year, no knee pain, and objectively light! I think the base for my squat has been risen because I made an effort to peak my squat (heavy singles and high frequency) when I hit 295x1, 315x1 at 185lbs last year.
  • Still weighing in at 175lbs but I feel massive. I saw my shoulders and traps in the mirror today and was like ā€œHoly crapā€
  • This is about a year post knee strain. Feeling like Iā€™m in a good place
  • Got one of my brothers knives. Iā€™m thankful for some sort of keepsake but if no one saves one of his hunting rifles for his son (when he gets older), Iā€™m giving it to him when heā€™s old enough for it
  • Got to see one of my old friends today. Super grateful to catch up and let the dogs hangout.

Iā€™m really liking the beard my brother.

Itā€™s makes you look ratherā€¦FRESH

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Great squat!


Thanks! I donā€™t know about fresh, but it definitely makes me look 26 lmao


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That really was a nice squat, good unrack, nice short walk out (not walking halfway back across the gym like some people). Solid set up and brace, controlled but quick descent, good depth and smooth back up. Quality

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@simo74 Thanks! I guess starting too light works because of the confidence it builds!

Bench testing:
each set had 20 PA in between
Close Grip Bench (thumb away from smooth): 115x3. 140x3, 170x3, 180x2, 205x1, 215x1, 230xmiss


  • Shoulder was feeling wonky today but strength was there
  • Also close grip benching 10lbs off my old max at ~10lbs lighter. definitely not too shabby
  • Very pissed off I missed the topset. It was a fucking grind to unrack it but I feel like if it was handed out to me I would have got it
  • Just randomly popped into my head but I still think this is the only video about breathing and bracing that makes sense to me

Got some cool stuff from Elitefts. Hats and beanies were on sale but I found the canvas poster and read the story. I knew I had to get it


Great poster

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Deadlift Test:

Warmup: Squats, RH, GHD, Lat prayer
DL: 45x5, 135x3, 185x3, 225X3, 275x2, 315x1, 335x1


  • Topset felt heavy as fuck and my glutes were hurting. Not the day to shoot for heavy
  • Thatā€™s pretty much BASP. Fun program but I had some adherence issues
  • Speaking of adherence issues, Iā€™ve been spiraling in a weird way since my brother died. Smoking more, grades not doing amazing, etc. Itā€™s time to get back into life the real way. Iā€™m not going to smoke for at least this whole month and will be waking up at 4:30 because when I was waking up this early, it was hard but I was so much better off for it
  • Been fixing some mental health stuff and feel so much better. I think Iā€™ve gotten ā€œThrough the stormā€ so the speak

If you can do this (which I am certain you can) this would be awesome and deff the way to go. Sorry to hear that have been feeling a little out of control. It is perfectly normal to feel this way after a loss. Do you have people you can talk to about this stuff ? Iā€™m a long way away down here, but here for you anyway.

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I absolutely can! I realize taking the vow of ā€œNever againā€ is too much and uncertain. My goal is to get back to moderation (whatever this ends up meaning) and focusing on getting through the next month without touching it.

Just part of life. Also had 3 hard exams this week because of Mardi Gras break up coming but I am through it.

I do. Just yesterday, I was talking to a guy from the gym who also lost someone to addiction. It was more of not knowing how to feel and then feeling stuff while working through it. Also everything impacting my training got to me and I felt the need to doc it for future reference

I appreciate it a lot! Iā€™ve thrown myself back into school and told my best friend about not smoking (sheā€™s super supportive and gets it). While getting back into mediation and gratitude journaling, Iā€™ve already had a pretty good day! Getting back to normal and back to growth! I also think getting back to going to strongman Saturdayā€™s will be a big help. Itā€™s the one place I feel accepted and supported but I missed 3 weeks of it because of family stuff.


Donā€™t be two hard on yourself, 3 weeks is a mere blip. You seem like you have some good support and have great awareness for someone of your years. Aiming for moderation or to add something (take it away) simple that you can achieve is a great step. One small win leads to another which leads to another.

This is an interesting point and certainly something that we all feel different times in our lives. Often we think there is a ā€˜way to respondā€™ or programmed set of response to things that happen in life. But in reality, we are all just making it up as we go. How we feel or react will be different depending on our experience and mental state at the time.

I like how you said,

because that sums it up nicely. Just taking time to think about and process how we feel about something allows us to put it into perpective and then also to question those feelings and allow for new feelings to emerge.


I fully agree. Itā€™s more of a missing the community versus missing the lifting over there


Yep! Too much grey and emotions in the world to have a prefabbed response to everything!

I really like this. I think itā€™s something a lot of people intuitively know but sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else!

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3 rounds: 2:30

  • 5 NG chins
  • 15 air squats
  • 10 push ups


  • Been starting off my morning with 3-5 minutes of meditation when I take the dogs outside to pee. Really makes a difference in how I feel through out the day

Hey @T3hPwnisher , I was looking at using Juggeryoke to lead into my next comp. The events are:
Max log
13in DL ladder (like Eddie hall)
Yoke/sandbag run
Hercules hold
Power stairs

I was looking at doing the 5-6 day program and using that 6th day as my events day for the last 3. I know log can be subbed easily for push press, but how do you suggest putting in 13in DL? I was thinking replacing highpulls or heavy shrugs with the 13DL. I know you have experience with it, do you have any advice on implementing something like that?

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I think your instincts are solid: shrug is the most obvious swap. 8x3 and 3xAMRAP at 13" height will definitely get you some reps at comp height and the 3xAMRAP will help with some endurance. And it will still meet the intent of the shrugs by loading your traps. Otherwise, it could slot into the events day.

Should be a solid approach dude!

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Completely overlooked that part! Iā€™m definitely ready to try one of the Jamie Lewis programs!

Soft tissue and mobility work from today. Thereā€™s been some funky stuff going on in my hip which is usually what happens when I stop doing Agile 8 prelift. Missed strongman Saturday because Iā€™m watching my sisters dog and she has an uti so I had to take care of that stuff.