Does Anyone Read the Articles?


The reason I ask the question is that there are so many stupid threads constantly on here. Things like ‘Im 9 stone - shall i cut?’ or ‘How do i eat to get big?’ or ‘what is best for mass - squats or leg ext?’ ‘How much protein do I need?’

This amazes me. There are some good threads going, asking more specialist or advanced questions/ debates, but really do we need this constant drivel of questions that are answered a million times already. Just look in the article history!!

This place makes me wonder how Arnie and co built theyre physiques without posting a question everytime they wanna change an exercise!!

I 100% whole heartedly agree.

The beginners section must be empty right now…

[quote]azza30 wrote:

This place makes me wonder how Arnie and co built theyre physiques without posting a question everytime they wanna change an exercise!![/quote]

Some people will take it upon themselves to learn to do what it takes to succeed. For Arnold this meant surrounding himself with other more experienced lifters, biking to and some times breaking into the gym, begging friends to translate magazines published in the US into Austrian, possibly taking drugs at a young age, etc.

Most others during his day didn’t feel like doing that. They had no easy place to turn to. These days, these same kind of people DO have an easy place to turn to. So they post stupid questions.

I print out the articles pertinent to my current goals and read them before bed or instead of watching TV. It’s like a free book that never ends.

I think some folks are just so lazy they want all the answers for free AND handed to them the second they ask the questions. Its a sad commentary on modern society. If baffles me how impatient people with, apparently, no imagination or work ethic, could possibly enjoy weigh lifting. With little to no work, it would stand to reason they would expect phenomenal strength and size gains that they would not get, get pissed, write off lifting weights as a scam and completely give up.

you can’t “teach” someone to take their training seriously with balls-to-the-wall intensity

beginners should leave the forum for the first 6 months of their training and just go crazy with intensity in the gym to get their newbie gains, once that stalls then they should look for descriptive info

Sometimes it’s easier for people to learn by asking questions as opposed to reading long-beat-about-the-bush articles to find their information.

It looks to me like you’ve got total newbs to weight training who don’t read articles AND you’ve got some guys who have been training a long time and have been on this site a long time but never read the articles.

People are going to learn how to train “Balls to the Wall” or not learn how to train right whether they read the articles here or not.

I think people like the interaction with others online.

Can you eat these articles? If I pick them up will they be heavy?

I know and its frustrating. I try to read a minimum of 1 article a day but many users here don’t care/respect others enough to look. There’s one thing if you have tried looking and can’t find what you’re looking for, but just strating a thread when the answer was in last month’s articles is just annoying.

when I first found T-Nation I did from an article and for about a year or more read as many of them I could… It was not till one day I clicked on the talk back or discuss button that I even knew about the forums…

Even then I did not join because I did not wish to post and most of the posting was vapid at best… but I did see a couple of the posters talking very intelligently and would look for there posts… at some point T-Nation made it so I could not search the users post without reg so I did…

I remember that at some point that the web site was redesigned to place less enfaces on the forums due to the posters getting more popular than the authors/contributors… (not more knowledgeable mind you)

I wish most would do as I did…

found that interview with TC were he talks about the forums:

around 24 min into it

I read the articles…but only because I want to get stronger. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t read them.

Some of my best article reading time is done when I’m procrastinating for something else – it really gives me an edge to read every single word in the article and add it to my library of knowledge.

If you really want to know who, if anyone reads the articles, go check the discussion thread for ‘mystery meat’ -lol.

Seriously though, I have more articles saved as text files on my desktop from here than I can count. I actually prefer printing them out and underlining important details as I read to reading off the computer screen. The sad thing is, so many newbs just keep asking the same damn questions. Sure occassionally you know the answer, but it helps to have someone ‘more knowledgable’ agree with you, but it does get a bit ridiculous sometimes.


[quote]cyph31 wrote:
you can’t “teach” someone to take their training seriously with balls-to-the-wall intensity

beginners should leave the forum for the first 6 months of their training and just go crazy with intensity in the gym to get their newbie gains, once that stalls then they should look for descriptive info[/quote]

I disagree.

48 months at least. Seriously.

[quote]jstreet0204 wrote:
Can you eat these articles? If I pick them up will they be heavy? [/quote]

Are you for real? Oh my jesus fucking god…!!

Do you not see any benefit in learning? piss off then.

Does your keyboard provide calories? Is your mouse heavy?


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
If you really want to know who, if anyone reads the articles, go check the discussion thread for ‘mystery meat’ -lol.

Seriously though, I have more articles saved as text files on my desktop from here than I can count. I actually prefer printing them out and underlining important details as I read to reading off the computer screen. The sad thing is, so many newbs just keep asking the same damn questions. Sure occassionally you know the answer, but it helps to have someone ‘more knowledgable’ agree with you, but it does get a bit ridiculous sometimes.


I do too… as mentioned above, they are like a free book.

T-Nation has taught me so much - 90% is from the articles… 10% from the forums.

(you know i like percentages!!)


Yeah, they dont even read the articles, just scan for something to bitch about.

When i first came here i read the entire archives twice. I downloaded everything i thought was good. I didnt follow it at all, i didnt even train! i was just fascinated with this place, the tone of articles, the detail of the drug/supplement discussions. I hadnt seen anything like it. Go back and look, some of them are pages and pages long, no pictures, references out the wazoo… I am still abit like that, i get all my training motivation and drive from here.

What really makes by blood boil is when the OP bumps a thread after 5 or 6 hours because no one has replied

I think people used to before the forum existed. :slight_smile: People don’t read anything anymore. My students don’t read for fun and they complain why getting good grammar and vocabulary is so challenging for them.

[quote] JJ wrote:
jstreet0204 wrote:
Can you eat these articles? If I pick them up will they be heavy?

Are you for real? Oh my jesus fucking god…!!

Do you not see any benefit in learning? piss off then.

Does your keyboard provide calories? Is your mouse heavy?


It was a joke man, get the sand out of your vagina.