Are we on the right path? I don’t think so, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
Do you think there’s a cure that doesn’t involve violence?
Are we on the right path? I don’t think so, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
Do you think there’s a cure that doesn’t involve violence?
A large part of the problem is addressed in the Book of Ecclesiastics 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”
I’m having a really hard time participating in what’s going on in Maine right now. Migrants getting pumped in is bad, doing it during a housing shortage leaves little room for assuming good faith. Guiding children into a lifetime of disability and subverting parental authority to do it is bad. Parks and libraries being overrun with unstable drug addicts is bad. Taxing seniors out of their homes is bad. Shots fired every week in a town that had zero, zip, zilch of that for hundreds of years up until very recently is bad. Perfectly good public schools becoming top-spending, bottom-performing diploma mills with high staff turnover is bad. I could go on all day.
I cannot for the life of me look around and see what the good that any of our policy priorities are trying to accomplish for anybody in between state dependents and wealthy landowners.
No. It’s been well over a hundred years since it was.
There is, but it’s unlikely to be accepted by the other side(whichever side doesn’t leave).
What do you attribute the cause to?
If I were to take a guess, it’s the replacement theory at work. No, it’s not racially motivated like people have twisted it to be.
Florida back in the 80s-90s took in many thousands of Haitians, and housed them in black neighborhoods.
Why would they do that?
Because you can diminish the residential black communal values and vote when you insert covert outsiders into that community.
Its basically this, but on a national scale, IMO.
We’ve taken in “political asylees” from every country out there while having a blatantly open border. Hell, they’re given handouts that out-perform the welfare packages given to residing citizens.
If that’s not an attempt to water down and replace the residential American citizen with outsider values, I don’t know what is.
Of course it is. I’ve watched it unfold. I’ve stood in line being one of the only people who didn’t need a translator to vote for a referendum that only had one polling place for the whole town. That was the real eye-opener. The mulit-language voter guides, the city council and school superintendent giving people who didn’t speak English rides, and hearing straight from the city clerk that an affidavit saying you live in town is all that’s needed to vote in my town.
The thing that I think people should realize about Lewiston, Maine is that we are considered a massive success by Democrats and progressives. We’ve enacted nearly every left wing progressive policy you can imagine, and there is no talk from local or state leadership of walking in any direction except ahead with more.
I’m all for legal immigration that isn’t tied to long-term government benefits. The multi-generational responsibility for people’s basic wellbeing that the people of Maine have been duped into is shocking and sad as it plays out. Generations of peace and stability, gone forever.
No. And both sides are to blame. They say they want what’s best for America but they only want what’s best for their respective parties. They are Democrats or Republicans first, Americans second, maybe.
No. Again, because both sides are the bad guys. Neither side is a defender of the classical liberal values this nation was founded on. And for those who believe we are a Christian nation, they don’t care about that either. Being anti abortion is not an example of defending Christian values.
I was dragged through the mud maybe a year ago when I said people should not be able to vote in town elections they do not have stake in - meaning they should probably own property.
This is why I had and still have this belief.
I’ll agree with this, though one party absolutely is more damaging than the other.
Right now, republicans are the only ones standing up for classical liberal values. I believe this because everything and everyone has shifted up and left.
The only cure I see is:
Ranked Choice Voting being the primary driver of change.
Debbie Downer here.
Empires rise, empires fall, it’s inevitable and just a question of velocity of decline. The US empire, theoretically, should last longer than most due to favorable geologic location…enter, the beyond idiotic Dem open border policy.
so you’re fine with the US falling apart, because other empires have fallen apart before?
Do you have kids?
If you do, how do you reconcile being complacent with the decline of the world you’re leaving to them?
All other empires, to be clear.
It’s just human nature, people as an overall species simply behave a certain way. No different than how generational wealth behaves.
Individuals have a much greater degree of control over individual circumstances than with “the world”. I don’t advocate abdicating individual responsibility of course. Great individuals in history have obviously exerted influence; but how many of us are great? (and I’m not referring to the politically correct usage of that word LOL)
I want to add that the advent of WMDs changes the calculus in that empires rot from within; the takeover by outside forces is likely no longer possible.
As an outside observer, what are the values that you feel the US is moving away from? And how do you feel that damages them?
Genuine question, i’m not really looking to debate or argue with you, just interested in what you think is missing or declining.
I don’t even believe in the whole world anymore much less the USA
There has definitely been a lot of push to tear down “old” institutions like “the patriarchy”, political alliances, and certain key values expressed in the bill of rights as rights. Voting, for one. Some want it to be very limited, others want it to just bust wide open like anything goes. Freedom of assembly/free association- a few groups in particular have been vilified for quite a while. Gun advocacy and 2nd amendment protection groups have actually been black listed from getting loans and using banks at the behest (coercion) of some high ranking officials from the state of New York.
Obviously, Judaism is under attack, and there are a lot of people that now openly support and cheer on the attacks, so that falls under an attack on freedom to choose and practice a religion.
There’s quite a lot that is really heating up. I honestly think that the rioting a few years ago, and social agitators like blm and antifa were just a test run to see what buttons to push to get things to go Boom! . Now we’re seeing the product of that test run cooking up with the palestinian protests and likely leading to a lot of blood in the streets after the next election. All of the most reactive/easily agitated have been pretty thoroughly emboldened by the lack of action after the destruction a few years ago, identified, and networked via social media and what ever other means of network/communication.
And we have absolutely no idea what so ever which or how many bad actors (socially subversives) have poured in through a completely porous southern border.
In my opinion, the south american gangs, although violent, are the least worrisome. They want to control the drug trade. That sucks.
But what really sucks are the people who pit neighbor against neighbor so that our country rots from within, and people are too distracted with hating eachother to realize we’re getting tooled as an entire population.