Yeah Looks Like a Peaceful, Tolerant Bunch

I’m not one to blast an entire group of people but seriously how did religion make this many people so fucking stupid.

Granted that some of the people on the list are shitbags themselves, but really? One thing to love about America is the freedom to be a big ol’ dumbass, and not have your head chopped off as punishment for having a “bad” thought or making a controversial statement.

Hmmm, maybe we should consider not sending them any aid money? We could use that $1.5 billion on something that is not actively trying to kill us.

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you a moral relativist? Based on your own philosophy these people are neither stupid or wrong, they are just doing what seems good to them. In their eye’s what they are doing is right, so it’s not only right, but justified and there is no wrong in it.

I don’t get you, what’s your problem with what they are doing? You spent pages defending things like this.

Stating the obvious here, but would this be happening if Obama had supported Mubarak instead of the Muslim Brotherhood? What do you think of Obama’s taxpayer-funded apology ads and Hillary’s promise to Tyrone Woods’ father to jail the filmmaker?

[quote]pat wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you a moral relativist? Based on your own philosophy these people are neither stupid or wrong, they are just doing what seems good to them. In their eye’s what they are doing is right, so it’s not only right, but justified and there is no wrong in it.

I don’t get you, what’s your problem with what they are doing? You spent pages defending things like this.[/quote]


What are you talking about? Moral relativism doesn’t prevent me from calling people stupid, watch. Pat you are one dumb SOB. See, I did it.
Not to get too far off point but moral relativism is just that moral relativism, which means that my morals and your morals may not be the same, allowing me to happily point out that yours suck. The issue here though isn’t morals, it is laws (they are not always the same). I did not spend pages arguing for stupid laws, I leave that to you and your anti women’s rights/anti gay marriage groups. The laws in Egypt are pretty jacked up (due in large part to their religion, which apparently isn’t big on tolerance) I would imagine that their “morality” may be a driving force in what they are doing, but I am more concerned with their legal system and its’ complete disregard for the fact that they are busy condemning to death Americans for burning a book or making a really bad video in America.

Ironically those people see the world just like you Pat, they are not moral relativists, if they were they probably wouldn’t be doing what they are doing.

[quote]BrianHanson wrote:
Moral relativism doesn’t prevent me from calling people stupid, watch. Pat you are one dumb SOB. See, I did it.
Not to get too far off point but moral relativism is just that moral relativism, which means that my morals and your morals may not be the same, allowing me to happily point out that yours suck.

Ah, Brian I don’t think you know what moral relativism is. If you claim that someone else’s morals suck and your morals don’t then you are expressing an absolutist position. A relativist position would mean that you believe pat’s morals and your morals are equally valid/worthy.


I don’t see it that way, moral relativism recognizes that there are huge differences in cultural moralities, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that I have to accept your morality as valid when imposed upon my culture, which is what my post is talking about. If people in Egypt feel like beheading each other IN EGYPT in defense of their morality then go right ahead, however the cultural morality of the US doesn’t find that acceptable IN THE US. I believe that moral relativism is either more complex or less than you think, it doesn’t require that I accept the sway of another cultures morality inside my cultural boundaries. SO I can say your morality is wrong within the confines of my culture without saying your morality has any less value than mine, as long as I accept that in your culture the morality is what you deem appropriate. Liking or disliking something is not the same as accepting its value as equal.

What is important here is the Egyptian government has sentenced an American citizen to death for freely exercising his first amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion while here in the US. It is outrageous that the American government is allowing them to get away with threaten to murder Americans for doing what we are free to do here in the US.


That is exactly my point.