Do You Eat Raw Eggs?

Do any of you eat raw eggs? I’ve been thinking about switching over from soft boiled eggs to raw eggs for breakfast. My only concern is about getting sick. How high is the chance of getting sick from eating raw eggs compared to boiled eggs? Is there any way to determine if an egg is bad before you eat it?

I don’t really care about the taste. Boiling the eggs and peeling off the shell takes too long. I’d just break a few into a glass and drink that.

I drink raw eggs with protein powder all the time.

Raw Eggs+ vanilla protein powder+lots of ice+vanilla extract=awesome protein shake with equally awesome texture.

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
I drink raw eggs with protein powder all the time.

Raw Eggs+ vanilla protein powder+lots of ice+vanilla extract=awesome protein shake with equally awesome texture.[/quote]

for breakfast I use 4 raw eggs whole with vanilla protein powder and cinnamon… tastes like pancake batter…

Lov it.

I remember reading that the chances of salmonella are about 20,000 to 1, and anyway I know plenty people who consume raw eggs with no problems.

Try it and see what you think - nothing beats experience.

Nice, I think I’m going to just drink 3 raw eggs and eat some veggies for breakfast. This is going to save me so much time. School’s over, so I’m not really in a hurry in the morning, but whatever.

I’m going to feel so hard core drinking raw eggs…lol
Thanks for the input guys.

Food poisoning may no longer be a big issue with raw eggs, but I believe you need to cook the whites in order to digest all of the protein.

They always gave me nasty gas, so I cook my eggs. Besides, they taste better cooked.

I’ve eaten 60 a week for 6 months.

Haven’t been sick yet. Salmonella isn’t really a big deal anyway if you have access to a doctor. (Or so I’ve been told.)

ive seen studies showing that you only get about 50% of the calories/nutrients from raw eggs because u need to heat it to denature the proteins which happens at 134 degrees

I’m all for eating raw eggs when it is used in a dish, especially Korean and Japanese food, but fuck going Rocky style.

[quote]David1991 wrote:
ive seen studies showing that you only get about 50% of the calories/nutrients from raw eggs because u need to heat it to denature the proteins which happens at 134 degrees[/quote]

I thought that Protein being denatured was a bad thing. This was one of the reasons that I wanted to do this. Doesn’t an egg lose Protein value when it gets cooked? So, soft boiled eggs have more protein than hard boiled eggs and raw eggs have the most. That’s what I have heard.

Can anybody confirm that I am completely wrong and should keep eating soft boiled eggs?

[quote]Artem wrote:
David1991 wrote:
ive seen studies showing that you only get about 50% of the calories/nutrients from raw eggs because u need to heat it to denature the proteins which happens at 134 degrees

I thought that Protein being denatured was a bad thing. This was one of the reasons that I wanted to do this. Doesn’t an egg lose Protein value when it gets cooked? So, soft boiled eggs have more protein than hard boiled eggs and raw eggs have the most. That’s what I have heard.

Can anybody confirm that I am completely wrong and should keep eating soft boiled eggs?[/quote]

sorry i cant find the study but basically it was saying that when cooked about 90% of the protein/nutrients were available for digestion. when its raw only about 50% is

[quote]David1991 wrote:
Artem wrote:
David1991 wrote:
ive seen studies showing that you only get about 50% of the calories/nutrients from raw eggs because u need to heat it to denature the proteins which happens at 134 degrees

I thought that Protein being denatured was a bad thing. This was one of the reasons that I wanted to do this. Doesn’t an egg lose Protein value when it gets cooked? So, soft boiled eggs have more protein than hard boiled eggs and raw eggs have the most. That’s what I have heard.

Can anybody confirm that I am completely wrong and should keep eating soft boiled eggs?

sorry i cant find the study but basically it was saying that when cooked about 90% of the protein/nutrients were available for digestion. when its raw only about 50% is[/quote]

You people do realize that heat isn’t the only way to denature protein, correct? pH can also do it (hint: your stomach acid).

Is there a reason why you think raw eggs are resistant to denaturation by stomach acid?

edit: for what it’s worth, I drink a dozen raw eggs a day.

Vince Gironda was a huge proponent of raw eggs.

[quote]djoy wrote:
Vince Gironda was a huge proponent of raw eggs.


do you beat them first or just eat them?

[quote]gabex wrote:
do you beat them first or just eat them?[/quote]

I dump omega-3 eggs in my protein shaker with a scoop or two of Metabolic Drive.

I can’t imagine eating/drinking raw egg… just the texture alone would make me want to puke

Haha I crack raw eggs right into my mouth

alot of people use egg whites
i prefer the whole egg because i heard somewhere that the eggs cholesterol doesn’t actually affect the a humans blood cholesterol, i have no idea how this works…

also it creates a frothier texture in my drinks

[quote]inthego wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
I drink raw eggs with protein powder all the time.

Raw Eggs+ vanilla protein powder+lots of ice+vanilla extract=awesome protein shake with equally awesome texture.

for breakfast I use 4 raw eggs whole with vanilla protein powder and cinnamon… tastes like pancake batter…

Lov it.[/quote]

I cannot understand how this could possibly taste good, but I’m definitely going to try it. Thanks