Pct needed with Trt 100 pinned twice a week and running rad140 @10mg
You dont seem to know what is a pct and what is trt. These two things cancel each other out. They dont co-exist.
Yeah bro - you need to make sure you don’t have any estrogen in your system or else you will grow tits.
Letrozole 5mg 2x/day
I’ve heard both bud. So I just wanted to put it out there to see what everybody thinks. You can’t be too cautious when you fucking with your body.
If you have heard about both, then your question doesnt make any sense.
Lmao… I was asking if I needed to.
Your post is a little unclear due to the terms you are using. Are you on TRT or are you cycling TRT dose levels of testosterone? TRT is for life, you don’t cycle off. PCT is only needed when someone is using something like anabolics or SARMS that disrupts the HPTA. In that case yes you will need it but only if you are stopping (ie quitting TRT).
I’m on TRT. When I first started my testosterone levels were 51. They are now 1301.I’m thinking about running rad 140 and some cardarine but I have read on some websites that even though you’re on TRT you still need to use a PCT kind of new to this, so I just wanted to make sure.
Oh god, you clearly are first day into this.
No sir, no PCT necessary. If you used Rad without TRT then you likely might have.
This guy lol.
Nah, man - YOU are “this guy”…
To build muscle you need caloric surplus. To lose fat you need caloric deficit. Is there some sort of math i have never learned about, that allows negative and positive be present at the same time?
Your Total Testosterone of 1301 is a snapshot on the decay curve for testosterone by injection. When did you draw blood relative to your last injection?
You can still build muscle while loosing fat bud.
4 days
And there are hot babes close to your area that want to fuck also, bud.
At the most you have 3.5 days, unless your injections twice weekly are not evenly divided (every 3.5 days is usually implied when you say twice weekly).
Say bro if you disagree move. Don’t be a troll. Lmao. The world ain’t perfect and neither are you. But best of wishes to my dude.