As many of you are aware, I was fat most of my life and maybe this is just me being pissed off at my previous self, or maybe I feel like people just owe it to themselves to be better.
This isn’t going to be friendly.
I work in aviation. It’s not exactly known for having ‘fit’ people so I stand out, but this isn’t about me. A coworker of mine is probably 24 years old, 5’5 and somewhere between 350-400lbs. I’m certain the last time he stepped on a scale was at the doctor’s office.
I see him eating his ‘breakfast’ across the break room while I stuff 4 unseasoned scrambled eggs down my face. His breakfast consists of:
- 1 pack peanut butter M&Ms (250cal)
- 1 bag Doritos (150cal)
- 1 can Monster (230cal)
- 1 pop tart double pack (410cal)
(this isn’t an ‘off day’)
This is his breakfast, and I kind of fucking hate him. Not because he’s a bad person - in fact he’s actually pretty nice. I hate the stupid decisions he’s making. I hate the hurt he’s going to put his family through for his guaranteed early death. I hate that part of my paycheck is going to pay for the government subsidized insulin he most certainly will need soon - if he doesn’t already need it. I hate that he won’t be a productive member of society; worse yet: I hate that he will be a drain on society for the decisions he makes. I hate that he doesn’t have anyone in his life to help hold him accountable to himself, and to live a better life.
His lunch will be another 2 bags of chips and a vending machine large chocolate chip cookie, probably with a full sugar soda or another Monster to help him be more energetic (despite his ~1000cal daily energy surplus consumption rate).
I couldn’t tell you what his dinner is, but forecast looks like a family size bag of chips and ice cream - if not a meal fit for 2 at In-and-Out.
I’m not saying that being a little bit overweight is terrible, nor do I dislike folks who have 10-20lbs to lose - that is normal these days. It’s the ones who eat like they’re preparing for holocaust levels of starvation that fucking irritate me.
Is this fatphobic? No; I’m not afraid of fat people, I just don’t fuckin like them for their shitty, indulgent, selfishly entitled fucking behavior.
On second thought, maybe this is about me after all.