Dizzyness/Head Rushes While Lifting

Just a little worried really - Was doing some cleans today, and was getting dizzyness/blood rushes whilst was lifting. On the bar descent, and sometimes while trying to press the bar overhead from the clean position. Never really happened to me before, and if it has it has never lasted more than a set or two - I trained through it but was a little worried so switched to just doing singles.

Anyone share any useful info about it lol. The only changes to anything I’ve made recently is I got some free samples of the Gaspari superpump shizzle, and have been using that, but under half hte recommended dose. However, I’d used it for 3 or so weeks with no problems or side effects…


I have had it happen to me several times in the past when I first started training. I would finish a set and feel like I was going to drop. Of course it could be something else, but what you are describing is called a Valsalva Maneuver. Basically your breathing is off and you are not exhaling properly. Read this link for details.


Thanks very much for the response - had a quick read. I am hoping (lol) that you’re correct and it’s nothing serious - it ties in tho as I’ve only had it severely while doing that exercise. Will sort it out. Thanks again.

I’ve had some dizzyness and light head rushes before. This is when I started lifting weights back then, but I found out it was because I wasn’t breathing properly. The worst one I had was getting a headache once from benching and it lasted for about 20 minutes. I haven’t had any more problems like this anymore.

On the cleans, I usually take a big breathe before pulling from the floor and once I’m about to catch the bar, I’ll exhale. As I’m about to press, I’ll take another deep breathe, hold it, press the weights, and the release my breathe as I’m lowering the bar back to shoulder level.

[quote]Jetric9 wrote:
On the cleans, I usually take a big breathe before pulling from the floor and once I’m about to catch the bar, I’ll exhale. As I’m about to press, I’ll take another deep breathe, hold it, press the weights, and the release my breathe as I’m lowering the bar back to shoulder level. [/quote]

Thanks this sounds good I’ll give it a go, I’m not sure when exactly I breath (if at all) during the repps aside from a big breath before pulling from the floor, and hte rest, well who knows. That probably explains the dizzyness ha.

I have had similar pains recently. I was doing a maximal load dead lift and nothing really hit me at first but as I was taking a rest my head got really disorientated for a few seconds. Now, a few hours later, it feels like i got punched in the side of the head right around my cheek bone / eye and temple. never had this happen before and i’m a little worried. any thoughts?

[quote]chriscarani wrote:
what you are describing is called a Valsalva Maneuver.


Thats probably it, especially on shit like cleans and overhead presses. Other shit like weighted hyperextentions and stiff legged deadlifts can sometimes make people dizzy as well, but thats a blood rush related issue from head movement and body position.

[quote]ttombobadly wrote:
I have had similar pains recently. I was doing a maximal load dead lift and nothing really hit me at first but as I was taking a rest my head got really disorientated for a few seconds. Now, a few hours later, it feels like i got punched in the side of the head right around my cheek bone / eye and temple. never had this happen before and i’m a little worried. any thoughts?[/quote]

Getting a funky feeling post max deadlift is not unusual, but you shouldn’t feel what you described hours later. Sounds like a burst blood vessel, but that is pretty much a guess dude. Not exactly helpful, but monitor it, and if you start getting overtly bad signs like prolonged dizzyness, speach impairment, etc. get to the er. Of course, you posted this yesterday so you could already be dead and this is too late anyway, but hopefully not. And yes, people have indeed stoked out hitting weights (most common one I hear of is leg presses though, not dls) so thats no joke.

[quote]BlackSabbath wrote:
ttombobadly wrote:
I have had similar pains recently. I was doing a maximal load dead lift and nothing really hit me at first but as I was taking a rest my head got really disorientated for a few seconds. Now, a few hours later, it feels like i got punched in the side of the head right around my cheek bone / eye and temple. never had this happen before and i’m a little worried. any thoughts?

Getting a funky feeling post max deadlift is not unusual, but you shouldn’t feel what you described hours later. Sounds like a burst blood vessel, but that is pretty much a guess dude. Not exactly helpful, but monitor it, and if you start getting overtly bad signs like prolonged dizzyness, speach impairment, etc. get to the er. Of course, you posted this yesterday so you could already be dead and this is too late anyway, but hopefully not. And yes, people have indeed stoked out hitting weights (most common one I hear of is leg presses though, not dls) so thats no joke.[/quote]

yeah I’m not dead yet…and I feel a little better today but it is actually sore when i push on / up under my cheek bone. I woke up feeling fine. I called the doctor and told them and they said they would look at the symptoms I gave and call back (haven’t gotten a call yet). I know its not uncommon to feel dizzyish and what not while lifting but now hours / days after in your face.

Take a little care when breathing before your sets too. When I started lifting I was told I had to breathe so I could get enough oxygen before and during my sets.

I probably exaggerated a little bit, and took too many deep breaths before my incline DB-bench sets (glad it wasnt a barbell). Moments after I laid down and started raising the weigths for my first rep, I passed out and lost one of them on my face, and then my shoulder. I used to be dizzy earlier, but did not think it was a problem until I passed out.

Now I’m always cautios and keep my weights in a safe position until I know I’m good to go. Shorter pauses between sets keeps my pulse up, so I wont get dizzy as easily to :slight_smile:

thanks for that info about breathing. I get that problem too! Usually with exercises that have my arms over my head. I guess I breath wrong.

Hey, something else to think about… try doing some stomach vacuum exercises and see if you get any feelings. If breathing correction isn’t 100% of the answer to the problem (which it might be anyway) then consider your inner abdominals. Mine might be weak.

Thanks again for the tip, now I have another thing to look into to correct my issues.