Hey can anyone tell me the whole process I have 2 weeks before I do my cycle of androsol and nandrosol. Plus if anyone has any has used it to tell me how were your results.
Grind up pellets- I used a hammer and put them in a baggie, then smashed away- then put them in the bottle. Shake daily for 5 days or so and store in them in a cool dark place like a closet. After 5 or 6 days, strain with coffee filters - you’ll clog your sprayer if you don’t- I used a little funnel and some old Androsol bottles to do it, then squeezed out what the filters absorbed, except for the residue of course. Spray it on, eat lots of protein, lift hard and grow!
Hey cowboy did u use that with nandro??? and andro mix or what???
Androsol in morning, Nandrosol at night. 70 spays each, 2 grams of Fina in each bottle.