Dips Hurt My Collarbone

I just started putting parallel bar dips into my workouts but there is a problem…

it hurts in my collarbone…even if i add say 40lbs assist. and its not hitting my triceps…i guess theres a weak muscle somewhere forcing my body into the wrong form? i dunno just some advice/thoughts on this would be useful
to FIX it or other options…

just dont do them. Do something else. I presume then your doing them for your triceps. Try decline skull crushers. They work wonders :wink:

How old are you? This is sometimes an issue for kids that are still growing and their skeletal structures haven’t completely formed yet. Replace them with something either way.

A. I agree that if dips cause pain to try something else.

B. I don’t like the idea of using a compound movement to target a muscle group. Your body will use the form that it wants to use to move your body efficiently through the motion.

Meh. I used to have it. Sucked it up and did my dips, got stronger and better at them, now the pain is gone…

I don’t think that it’s smart to train right through it, but it worked for me.

Don’t do them. There are plenty of other exercises out there.

As Cressey states… if you have any AC joint problem or have ever had on don’t do dips.

[quote]AssOnGrass wrote:
Don’t do them. There are plenty of other exercises out there.

As Cressey states… if you have any AC joint problem or have ever had on don’t do dips.[/quote]

When the collarbone experiences pain from dips, its not the AC joint that is being aggravated. Its the sterno-clavicular, or sterno-costal joints that are aggravated.

close grip bench press

i might be wrong, but if you changed from a parallel bar dip to a bench dip (ie, sit with the bench behind you and a weight on your lap and pick yourself up on the bench with your triceps) you’d take the chest portion out of the movement and it’d be much more of a tricep excersize.

perhaps you should weight for a more experienced guy on the site to confirm this before you try it though.

I also have pain in the collerbone when i do dips. The pain occurs right when my feet hit the floor after a set, no pain during the set. it never occured to me to stop doing dips since i figured it would stop on its own or i’d get used to it…it hasn’t.

its been this way for years but hasn’t gotten any worse. Should i still stop doing them? What is the risk?

[quote]otown83 wrote:
I just started putting parallel bar dips into my workouts but there is a problem…

it hurts in my collarbone…even if i add say 40lbs assist. and its not hitting my triceps…i guess theres a weak muscle somewhere forcing my body into the wrong form? i dunno just some advice/thoughts on this would be useful
to FIX it or other options…


Try leaning forward a bit when you do them you’ll feel it in your triceps. I hope this helps.

[quote]Sick Rick wrote:
Meh. I used to have it. Sucked it up and did my dips, got stronger and better at them, now the pain is gone…

I don’t think that it’s smart to train right through it, but it worked for me.[/quote]

I did the same thing, once you get bigger/stronger, the pain goes away. Until them try the lean-forward technique or just skip them for decline skullcrushers.

To hit the triceps more, make sure your elbows are pointing back and are close to your sides. If you let them flare out then you will use more lat and chest.
Try not going so low, it may just be that you are not flexible enough just yet, also try and keep your sholderblades retracted.

Start light and shallow and work your way up as you get stronger, maybe try using other exercises to warm up first too.

As the others have said though, if you try these things and you still get pain, it’s better to just leave that exercise out then to cause an injury.

im guessing its because you are on the heavy side… or just rushed into lifting.

hey thanks for your posts…
so i already get alot of bench dips at trainin sessions which is why i chose this more difficult exercise for my personal gym days. Not sure why im getting this pain but ill keep these tips in mind.

i have tried both leaning forward and vertical and either way it seems to hurt when im done. i am going to stop going so deep for now and and see if that helps. I am doing other tricep exercises as well i just think this one is great because of recuiting more support groups.

i can do 6-10 of them it just hurts when im done.
oh and zeus, no im not overweight (170, 8%BF)

thanks all.

Going to agree with everyone who already said to stop doing them and pick something else. Dips irritate my shoulders and my elbows, so i just don’t do them anymore - and it hasn’t slowed down my progress at all. In fact avoiding exercises that cause injury will actually speed your progress as you wont end up having to take time off to rehab the injuries.

and yet your avatar is a guy doing dips with chains…

[quote]ZeusNathan wrote:
and yet your avatar is a guy doing dips with chains…[/quote]

Yet yours is of- wait, what the hell is yours supposed to be?