Hey, there, Pugs!!! Please say hi to Bets for me the next time you see her.
Re the yohimbe product I’m using, I’ve only just started using the product (2-3 weeks). Annecdotal evidence has been quite positive, which is what led me to experiment on myself. I agree with BodyIQ that diet is KEY. Too many people are looking for a pill or a quick fix. But I do repeat, for someone that’s pretty much there, it seems to work as advertised. I really wanted to give it about a month before I gave it a thumbs up (or not), but I am THRILLED with the results I have seen thus far. I’d be glad to revisit the topic in a month. I am of course, dieting/cutting/hypocaloric. I do fasted-state cardio and weight bearing exercises. I’ve got everything else in order, so a topical yohimbe product is not a quick fix for me; more the last piece of the puzzle.
Yes, I’m notice that as I’m losing weight my skin is looser (in places it hangs), but my intentions are to start bulking after dropping BF, so maybe I’ll be able to tighten that skin up a bit with some sexy, lean muscle. That should fix the problem, shouldn’t it?(grin)
Not really sticky, though I can tell I’ve applied it. It has a pleasant-enough smell. Though to get the results I’m getting I would have been more than willing to put up with sticky or stinky. (grin)
There are competitors to LipoDerm-Y, but I liked their extremely detailed explanation on the science behind the product and the delivery system. I would recommend that you do a search on “topical yohimbe/yohimbine” and come to your own conclusions. I bought mine for about $43 + S&H (Retail is higher, of course) at 1fast400.com.
And yes, at this point I would say that it would help with the mobilization of fat from those stubborn areas. You MUST, however, use it in conjunction with a low-carb diet (like T-Dawg) because it doesn’t do any good to mobilize fat if a release of insulin causes it to be stored elsewhere. I also recommend its use before fasted-state cardio.
And yes, I’ve heard a number of people report that it is effective with the love handles on the obliques of men. The skin might still be loose, as you said, but at least you would have SKINNY love handles and not FAT love handles. (grin)
Go ahead and give it a go, Pugs. I know you’re doing everything else you should be and that you’re not using it as a crutch or a shortcut. And heck, myself? I’m thankful for even SMALL miracles.
BodyIQ, I think I took a look at her BW and BF%. She’s relatively trim for a female, and cellulite is one of those things that is visible even at low BW and relatively low BF%. You’re right about the diet, though. And some fasted-state cardio would be HIGHLY complementary to achieving her goals also.
My hesitation in posting information about a topical yohimbe product has been that people would use it as a crutch, a get-out-of-jail-free card. You know, like the 300-pound housewife who thinks all she has to do is find the right diet pill or figures liposuction is good for about 50 pounds off her thighs and backside? Not trying to ridicule anyone who’s trying to improve their body composition, but this is only a tool, a finishing touch.
Diet, cardio and a good weight-bearing program are what yield REAL results. Without those things being right, all the topical yohimbe in the world is not going to make things better.