different proteins - post workout

Although there is another post about the difference of proteins, this is a question about what I should do post workout. I have the opportunity to purchase with some mates a 20kg bag of whey concentrate or Caseinette (Casein). After reading Battle of the proteins, by Cy Wilson I am thinking of going for the Casein rather then the Whey, which one would be better to consume, post workout?

What I normally do is have a protein shake of whey mixed with dextrose and Maltodextrin straight after training and then have a big dinner of good carbs (veggies, rice potatoes) and protein (lean meats) about an hour later.

you kidding me? I am assuming
a)you aint gonna buy surge anyway and
b)you are new here
quick run down on protein:
casein = slow protein
whey = fast
whey = good post workout
casien = good any other time

If you can, get the best Whey post workout
in order they are :HWPI > WPI > WPC

Whey, it will cause a higher insulin spike which is the goal of post workout nutrition. Casein before bed. :wink:

Whey is generally a better choice post-workout and possibly upon rising; casein is preferable at all other times, though generally real food is to be preferred over powders at any time other than post-workout.


Why do you suggest whey after waking? This seems the opposite of what should be done. After fasting–while sleeping–insulin is more likely to spike when a meal is finally consumed. If someone were attempting to control their insulin, casein or whole foods would likely be the better choices. But then again, insulin sensitivity is highest in the morning.

Anyone else have any thoughts about this?

My thinking about whey on waking is essentially to restore the body to positive nitrogen balance as quickly as possible after an eight-hour catabolism fest. It’s also motivated by that high insulin sensitivity first thing in the morning. Like the post-workout meal, though, you’d probably be wise to have something slower-digesting within the following hour to 90 minutes.