Been searching the web for some diet advice and several links brought me to this site, so thought I would register and hopefully get some help. I have trained on and off karate for the past ten years but never been particularly fit or in shape, took a break for 6 months the end of last yer due to injury and just been getting myself back into the swing of things the past few months.
I now have the opportunity to go and train in Okinawa for 3 weeks which is something I have wanted to do for years so dont want to let the opportunity slip, I will be leaving for Okinawa in 10 weeks. As this will be quite intensive training I need to lose some weight and get myself a bit fitter.
Current Stats
Age: 35
Height: 5’11
Weight: 14st 5lbs
Bf%: I am guessing 19 / 20 %
I would like to lose around 2 stone although that’s probably asking to much for 10 weeks and as much bf% as possible as I dont want to look like a fat slob while performing Sanchin without a top.
Any advice on a decent approach is appreciated, my current diet is a mess I just eat crap to be honest, as for exercise I train 4 dys a week for 1.5 - 2 hours at karate the other 3 days I don’t do anything so I am willing to give up this free time to get in some cardio ect.
No one has any advice, I knw the usual, cut out the crap and try clean up my diet, ect. As I have never really dieted before was just looking for advice on hw you guys get so shredded, I know it’s not all diet and a good training plan is also essential.
No one has any advice, I knw the usual, cut out the crap and try clean up my diet, ect. As I have never really dieted before was just looking for advice on hw you guys get so shredded, I know it’s not all diet and a good training plan is also essential.[/quote]
A lot of it is diet. For a modest price you can check out the macronutrient guidebook by Shelby Starnes. And I can imagine that training with a bunch of japanese people would allow you an opportunity to eat with them as well. That should be a decent start.
“diets” don’t work. Lifestyle changes do. Start with simple stuff. Cut out soda, eat half as many pieces of pizza you usually do. That sort of thing. Perhaps throw in some weight training. After a while (think yearish) you’ll have the body you want and the transition will be seamless. You won’t diet and crash, you’ll just wind up the way you’d like because you’re living a healthier life.
[quote]Iambroken wrote:
Weight: 14st 5lbs
I would like to lose around 2 stone[/quote]
In English Please.
[quote]Iambroken wrote:
Any advice on a decent approach is appreciated, my current diet is a mess I just eat crap to be honest, as for exercise I train 4 days a week for 1.5 - 2 hours at karate the other 3 days I don’t do anything so I am willing to give up this free time to get in some cardio ect.[/quote]
This is fine, maintain your karate and add in cardio. Shoot for 2-3 HIIT sessions a week plus a couple 30 minute runs.
If you were on a tighter schedule I might have recommended the V-diet but you have plenty of time. The added 50 grams of carbs after workouts plus the carbs in the veggies will keep you energized during your workouts compared to the PSMF.
Where are you training in Oki? I lived there seven years and trained Uechi Ryu off and on during my time there.
You will find guys like to drink beer and eat Ramen after a night in the Dojo… not good for healthy food. Ramen has about a weeks supply of carbs in it…lol does taste really good though.