Hey, I am 19 130lb 6’0 and I want to take a dbol only cycle. I have been doing research and am wondering if I should take pct with it. I see some people who dont take pct and are perfectly fine, I also seen a couple guys claiming that by them taking a dbol only cycle there testosterone raised significantly after the cycle. I am just wondering weather I should take a dbol only cycle without pct and or take a dbol only cycle with pct. Id prefer not to stack it and I know everyone is going to say stack it with test but I dont think I want too. How much of the gains will I be able to keep from running 10mg dbol / 5 weeks? I was thinking about only running 10mg because I dont want to blow up and be really puffy. Let me know your thoughts please, thanks.
Edit: How the hell do I reply to people on here?? I am also not a troll just uneducated about steroids. I dont eat very much and dont workout much either, I know it seems dumb but I wanna bulk up fast. Before you say “count your calories” I have tried it but i dont have enough motivation to stick with it
You’re 19 and a string bean dude. Learn how to train and eat or you can take all the shit you want and you’ll just fuck up your hormones and be a string bean.
Everyone ask this question and it’s impossible to answer. We don’t know your training, diet, lifestyle, hormone profile, nada. Zero information. You’ll keep “some” of your gains, that’s about the best you can do. A 5 week cycle is unlikely to build any appreciable muscle but your strength will almost certainly go up. If you’re planning for a competition or something this would make sense. Otherwise … seems kinda dumb.
How long have you been lifting weights?
Do you believe that you have acquired much of your natural capacity to put on muscle?
Those two questions need understood by you before considering using any AAS. Being 6’0" tall and only weighing 130lbs doesn’t suggest that you have much muscle tissue. The sad truth (at least what I believe), is that if you cannot achieve an impressive physique without AAS, you will not get the magical results that you hope AAS will send your way.
BTW, I used Dianabol exclusively the first 6 years I used AAS. But you need to understand that I entered my first bodybuilding contest before I took any AAS. I too was 6’0" tall, but had three years of training before I used AAS.
Yea because I dont lift or eat dude. Is it really that dumb? I heard derek from more plates more dates say dbol only can boost test after. I DO WANT ADVICE ON DOING IT RIGHT THATS WHY IM HERE MAN
And how do you think you’re gonna do that without lifting weights.
I really hope this is a troll post or I fear your generation is in trouble.
You need to get a grip on reality. You don’t just take steroids and get big. You need to train your muscles and eat enough to let them grow.
Steroids are such a small part of the equation.
Com on man
Well I would probably have motivation man because its steroids right. I swear its not a troll and I realize its stupid but I want to get big quick. I dont even like taking off my shirt around girls