im 22 165lb and bench 245 i just got some free dbol! its good stuff! i just dont know if its what im looking for.I cant gain weight been trying for 2 years Just 10-15lbs ANY THING!i have 119 35mg pills how many for how long! any info will help
Read the stickies at the top of this forum.
Have you tried eating more food than you regularly do?
oral only cycle. The cycle of winners
Aj, how tall are you, and what type of training are you using. Also, about how many calories a day are you consuming. This usually is the culprit for stagnant gains. If you do not now how many calories you need to consume, you will have a very hard time making gains. I for one had a very hard time gaining mass, considering I started lifting weighing a buck 30! Increasing weight and reps using compound moves helped me gain most of my weight, plus eating around 4000 calories a day helped too ; ) .
If you are set on doing a cycle, read the stickies as 5.0 suggested, and educate your self on how to use these compounds correctly and safely. A dbol only cycle would be a waste because most of the weight gained will be lost as soon as the drug is cleared from your body. As mentioned, if you are absolutely set on using AAS, you will be much better off adding Testosterone for 8-10 weeks along with the dbol. Of course always have an AI on hand such as adex or letro, to control estrogen during the cycle. A SERM such as nolvadex should also be on hand for use once a cycle like this is completed.
sorry guys i started typin b4 i went through the site!sorry!im 6foot im a cook so i eat as much as i can 4 free! and its not wendys food! but all this dbol talk is jiberish to me. im just gona swing for the fences and go for it. i just got the book huge in a hurry and im gona do my cycle during the “GET BIG” stage and hope for the best!i mean there free what do i hve to lose!? but im pretty nervous! so if any one wants 2 talk me out of it heres ur chance i start in 3 weeks
[quote]aj245 wrote:
im just gona swing for the fences and go for it. … what do i hve to lose!?
Your HPTA function, for one.
Enjoy your new boobs.
haha i like boobs! so dont do it or just stack it with something else? i am on a budget but i have a great connect and i dont do needles!
165? Ha, Ha…good luck fucking yourself up…take all the pills at once…i heard that gets you hyooooooge!!!
[quote]aj245 wrote:
haha i like boobs! so dont do it or just stack it with something else? i am on a budget but i have a great connect and i dont do needles![/quote]
Do some research you skinny little fuck.
While the op doesn’t seem ready for steroids, what’s with the oral only cycles don’t work, a dbol only cycle doesn’t work, etc?
You all know that’s bullshit right?
dbol only works like a charm, provided you eat right, train right, and do a proper pct. Anadrol only works like gangbusters too.
50mg dbol a day. That’s 350mg of very potent steroid a week. It works. Run it for 8 weeks and tell me you just gained water! Run 30mgs for five weeks and then compare that to 8-10 weeks of 500mg of test, of course the dbol comes up short.
Sorry, but it’s a total myth that oral only cycles doesn’t work, a steroid is a steroid regardless of its method of administration (I mean dbol is meant to be administered orally).
Oh and no, 50mgs of dbol for 8 weeks will NOT fuck up your liver unlss it’s already fucked up.
When someone gains 20-25lbs in 6 weeks and then after week 8 is only sitting ~5lbs heavier than when he started many people consider that a failed cycle. Regardless of how good pct, training, and diet is the large majority of the gains made from dbol are transient. You know that.
whats with the hostility? just tryn 2 better my self and askin 4 help dont know if im gona take em yet THATS WHY IM ASKING U HUGE FUCK! if thats really an insult? iv allways been all natuaral and like 2 stay that way unless its really worth it. plus i look great with my shirt off! i wouldnt even b on this forum if i didnt get em 4 free
[quote]aj245 wrote:
whats with the hostility? just tryn 2 better my self and askin 4 help dont know if im gona take em yet THATS WHY IM ASKING U HUGE FUCK! if thats really an insult? iv allways been all natuaral and like 2 stay that way unless its really worth it. plus i look great with my shirt off! i wouldnt even b on this forum if i didnt get em 4 free[/quote]
Who are you talking to? Please speak English in your response.
ocne aiagn im uesd to titxeng! and if you hvae a hrad tmie raednig tihs you are rteard! its fcat taht jsut as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteter of a wrod satsy the smae the mnid can sitll raed it! and you rrjc not even mad at you i know im skinny thats why im askin for help! and just weighed in at 173!!!haha
Do T-Nation a favor an have a pound of DNP in one sitting.
You have pretty much just sealed your fate as far as getting advice goes. Congrats.
I guess it’s time to move to another board because you have worn your welcome out after that abomination.
And NO ONE GIVES A FUCK IF YOURE USED TO TEXTING. Just letting you know that, in case you thought otherwise.
wow 5 7 180 now i know why your so pissed all the time! you got lil man complex and congrats on reading that who did you have help you? and what the hell is dnp? like i said im still all me no subs gear juice or anything else