[quote]pkradgreek wrote:
i did my dexa scan and body fat measurement at a hospital research lab today. I will get the results in about four weeks. I will take pictures 2nite at home and i will post a new thread in the photos section stating to guess my body fat measurement just for fun. stay tuned.
I’ve been off the diet (get shredded)since last friday. Not planning to go back on it. Can’t really say i was an embassedor for it considering i did not follow it word for word. I have no doubt that the diet works, but people need to get accostomed to the low carb and the metabolism has to adjust to using fat for energy. laters pk[/quote]
my results from the dexa scan said i was 7.3% bf at 211 lbs, 195.597 lean lbs of mass. not bad. that %bf puts me in the 1% for people my age. sweet!
my spinal bone density was literally on the top of the chart. could not go any higher on the graph. my hip bone was high but not at the top. I guess the heavy lifts work.
my goal has always tried to be at a bmi of arnold in his prime. i think i had calculated it once to be 215lbs at 6% bf. so i have a alot of work to do.
i need to be at 202 lean lbs with 13 lbs of fat. I currently have 15.5 lbs of fat. That means i need to put on 7 lbs of lean mass and lose 2.5 lbs of fat. All of this with no loss in performance. My vertical is at the highest ever. I want it to improve even more. laters pk
hmmm…interesting that your dexa data took 4 weeks as the machine spits out a data sheet right after the scan.
Just curious, did you use the dexa body fat percentage or did you undergo a different test for body fat (hydrostatic weighing perhaps)? Dexa is pretty accurate but hydrostatic weighing is still considered the “gold standard” to measure % body fat.
fyi, i have a digital tanita bodyfat measuring weight scale and according to the athletic setting it always puts me over 10%bf. This is just a gauge for myself in terms of what the dexa scan showed. i would hope that if the numbers went down on the tanita then it would translate to a corresponding decrease in %bf. laters pk
Dexa sounds awsome, I would love to get that type of testing done. Just be sure not to ask whats your body fat % on the forms, they have a heart attack.
[quote]Five wrote:
hmmm…interesting that your dexa data took 4 weeks as the machine spits out a data sheet right after the scan.
Just curious, did you use the dexa body fat percentage or did you undergo a different test for body fat (hydrostatic weighing perhaps)? Dexa is pretty accurate but hydrostatic weighing is still considered the “gold standard” to measure % body fat.[/quote]
i did a medical research study that paid me. they put me through 3 full body scans on different machines. The doctors told me i would have to wait to receive my results.