I’m just looking for opinions or just plain “You’re a pussy for caring about your bodyfat percentage” flames. The truck is coming to my gym tomorrow afternoon and I’m curious what else to expect besides submerging myself and getting a “customized” four-page report in the end. Thanks guys.
Hydrostatic testing and DEXA are the gold standards for bf testing. I believe hydrostatic testing can underestimate bf in people with very high BMD, but its still the most accurate method around, short of dissection/autopsy of course
FWIW students in many universities can get a DEXA scan at their university sports hospital facilities for less than 40$ so it might be cheaper to look for one in your area.
[quote]joburnet wrote:
You’re a pussy for caring about your bodyfat percentage.
Not really but you asked for it. From my understanding it’s still not that accurate and the best tool to check bf% is a mirror.[/quote]
I’d be throwing elbows to get to that device had I the chance. Why pass up an opportunity to improve? (You’ll be pissed-off at yourself later if you dont do it, so bite the bullet and get er’ done!)…
[quote]joburnet wrote:
You’re a pussy for caring about your bodyfat percentage.
Not really but you asked for it. From my understanding it’s still not that accurate and the best tool to check bf% is a mirror.[/quote]
This post shows you don’t know much. Hydrostatic weighing is one of the best ways to measure ones progress instead of the shotgun approach using the mirror and the scale saying “I gained 30 lbs of pure muscle in the last 4 months.”
You actually know for a fact how lean you are and can track your progress instead of guessing.
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
I’d be throwing elbows to get to that device had I the chance. Why pass up an opportunity to improve? (You’ll be pissed-off at yourself later if you dont do it, so bite the bullet and get er’ done!)…[/quote]
I just finished a class in school, and we had to do all the different BF testing methods. Hydrostatic weighing and Bod Pod are the two most accurate.
They’ll give you VERY accurate body densities, but theres a huge error that comes in when you convert your body density to body fat, because different standardized equations are used.
EX. An equation may be used that is for Caucasian males age 18-69. This equation uses a big range, whereas another equation might be Resistence trained athletes age 20-28. I used many different equations when converting my data and my friends, and it makes a big difference in values.
For tracking progress in the long run, i would probably use a handheld BIA device or the mirror. Also, a simple tape measure can be used.
*Note: If you using BIA method, handheld ones only measure upper bf, and scales only measure lower bf.
Yeah, I learned in PT classes that hydrostatic measuring is the best and calipers are a distant second. This afternoon was definitely $49 well spent.
I have 15.6% bodyfat. The three-site calipers method (Jackson and Pollock) says that I have 8.9%. Of course, the three-site only measures the front of the body. I can tell that I have the most fat in the lower back and thighs/arse area.
Looks like I need to ask my girlfriend to do the seven-site method more often. Last time she did it, when I ended my bulking phase, the percentage were roughly equivalent for both methods so I’m wondering if it is still the case now.
Even so, I’m still not as lean as I want to be right now so it’s all just numbers anyway.
Zap, I did it barefoot. Or were you trying to Elitaballa me?
Dankid, BIA sucks. NEVER recommend them for any purpose. A 25.9% reading this minute from a cheap Avon Wellness reader commands it.