Designing the Ultimate Program?

Most of the programs we do use only a barbell, power rack and maybe some machines.

What I’m wondering is what everyone’s ideal program would be given access to anything: sleds, tires, logs, the big torpedo looking weights for farmers walks etc.

How would you incorporate say, sled drags into your leg day?

Hard decision. I’d probably keep it simple. A boxing arena for cardio with maybe a sprint bike. Regular DBs, BBs and the good 'ole power rack.

Maybe a tyre and sledge hammer, some kettle balls for when I play around with some Tabata training while cutting.

Nothing too fancy. Get in, do the deed, get out. The way I enjoy it.

Depends on your goal and respective strength sport.

I’m an olympic weightlifter so I don’t really use anything other than bumpers, barbells and a rack.

I would find no real use for sleds or tires, unless conditioning is a really big issue.

People who do sled drags don’t usually have “leg days”.Most athletes don’t have bodypart splits.

[quote]maximus89 wrote:
People who do sled drags don’t usually have “leg days”.Most athletes don’t have bodypart splits.[/quote]

The guys at westside barbell have leg days :D.

[quote]Invictica wrote:
Depends on your goal and respective strength sport.

I’m an olympic weightlifter so I don’t really use anything other than bumpers, barbells and a rack.

I would find no real use for sleds or tires, unless conditioning is a really big issue.[/quote]

That’s good, because then you can sell all the unwanted equipment!

I’ve used only a barbell, a rack and a bench for the past 2 years, and it feels ultimate enough to me already :]

[quote]Bloobird wrote:
Invictica wrote:
Depends on your goal and respective strength sport.

I’m an olympic weightlifter so I don’t really use anything other than bumpers, barbells and a rack.

I would find no real use for sleds or tires, unless conditioning is a really big issue.

That’s good, because then you can sell all the unwanted equipment![/quote]

And use the money to pay for air plane tickets and registration fees for meets? I like your thinking my friend.

[quote]Invictica wrote:
Bloobird wrote:
Invictica wrote:
Depends on your goal and respective strength sport.

I’m an olympic weightlifter so I don’t really use anything other than bumpers, barbells and a rack.

I would find no real use for sleds or tires, unless conditioning is a really big issue.

That’s good, because then you can sell all the unwanted equipment!

And use the money to pay for air plane tickets and registration fees for meets? I like your thinking my friend.[/quote]


[quote]Invictica wrote:
Bloobird wrote:
Invictica wrote:
Depends on your goal and respective strength sport.

I’m an olympic weightlifter so I don’t really use anything other than bumpers, barbells and a rack.

I would find no real use for sleds or tires, unless conditioning is a really big issue.

That’s good, because then you can sell all the unwanted equipment!

And use the money to pay for air plane tickets and registration fees for meets? I like your thinking my friend.[/quote]

you know you want that sweet split pad GHR. Gotta “fia’ zee gluutes!”

but yeah, bumpers, pendlay comp bars and and good versatile rack like this one, the yoke of goergen:

would be all i need. the rack fills in for box jump and all kindsa shit.


Oh yeah i also want the beijing comp bumpers from 2008 olympics.


Oh yeah i also want the beijing comp bumpers from 2008 olympics.


Access to anything? I want a coach that lives in my basement.

Good training partners (the most important thing)

A monolift

A heavy duty squat bar

A Forza bench

Texas power bar

Deadlift bar

Power rack

300 lbs of chain weight

Various size bands

Glute ham bench

Heavy duty wide plate leg press

VArious dumbbells and kettlebells

5-300 pound dbs.
over a grand of oly plates
every hammer machine in existance
reverse hyper
oly platform
those big blocks oly lifters jerk from
power cage
full efts band set
full chain set
multiple specialty bars
car deadlift machine
smith machine
incline bench
high incline bench
2x cable tower
stone platforms
farmers handles
COC grippers

All you really need in my opinion is a power rack, a squat rack, a bench, an olympic weightlifting platform, bumper plates, heavy dumbbells, blocks, the “prowler”, tires, sleds, chains, bands, weight releasers, “Pumping Iron” DVD, “Supertraining” by Mel Siff, a membership at “Curves”, a yoga matt, a live bunny rabbit for lunch, and a package filled with bondage DVDs…

lol, in all seriousness, the first five are extremely useful.

[quote]donpalmero wrote:
Access to anything? I want a coach that lives in my basement. [/quote]

I want Louie Simmons and Ivan Abadjiev as slaves. If they can’t answer my questions, I’d make them watch “yogalates” over and over again until they reveal their God damn secrets to the public.