[quote]theBird wrote:
Hi little buddies,
Im about to start doing front squats. I did have a spell with front squats for about a month a year ago, but never really got into them.
Anyway a few questions;
a. Is there any difference in the depth that should be achieved with front squats compared to back squats. I do just below parallel for back squats, does that mean I will be doing just below parallel for front squats swell, or can I go deeper due to the difference in technique?
b. I use a box when I back squat to help me know where my depth is. Do i do the same for front squats?
c. Should the width of my stance be any different? I workout in vibrams, is that ok for front squats? I don’t really want oly shoes.
d. Any tips on learning this technique? I plan to do them using my hands, which means I have some mobility work to do with my wrists.
Thanks in advance.
Uncle Bird.
a) I find that I can get to a lower depth with front squats. There was a recent article that explained why this is so, but I can’t remember which one it was.
b) I’ve never thought about using a box for front squats. Perhaps it would be best to do it without a box and film yourself. That way, you can analyse the video and work on your technique. That’s what I do.
c) I front squat in Vibrams all the time. Feels good to me. Probably great for ankle mobility too. My stance is about the same for front and back squats - but then, my back squat is high bar and fairly close stance aka “Olympic” style. I’ve never heard of anyone doing front squats wide - my stance is probably just wider than shoulder width. I post in the BOI, so you can see my front squats there. I’m still working on my technique a lot with them.
d) Just practice. Try stretching your wrists before squatting and throughout the day (this is what hungry4more advised me to do). Drive your elbows up and try and make sure the weight of the bar is resting on your delts/clavicle, not your hands. I’m working on this myself. Try and stay upright and sit down between your legs. This is not a lift where you sit back excessively or lean forwards much - you’ll see why when you start doing them.
I love front squats, perhaps more than I like back squats. I think they utilise the abdominal muscles more than back squats. Also, when you start doing them, your upper back may fail before your legs. For this reason, I rarely go above five reps with them. Happily, my upper back is no longer the limiting factor for me, but I still prefer low reps for front squats.
I’m by no means an expert, but this is what has worked for me so far.