Gonna start with some background here but my question is at the end if you wanna skip to that. So, one of my buddies from high school has an instagram account dedicated to his powerlifting progress. Very strong guy, squats around 450, deadlifts around 500, and benches around 260 @ 187lbs. The other day he put up a video of himself deadlifting 315x18 touch n go. He was doing it off of 1-2" pads (because they’re one of those gyms) but it didn’t look like he was bouncing it as much as he was tapping the floor lightly. Needless to say that seeing him do this so easily piqued my interest.
I’ve always been a dead stop kinda guy, and I’m not sure why that is, but I tried touch n go yesterday for the first time. I did my best to emulate what I recalled my buddy doing, and I got 8 fairly easy reps with a weight that I normally probably would’ve had to grind hard to get 6-7. So, not a huge difference, but still a difference.
There’s a lot of people here who are stronger and more experienced than me, and I’m looking for everyone’s opinion: which way is better, if there even is a better way? Am I missing out on anything if I continue deadlifting with a touch n go style? Thanks guys
No way is better; it’s going to depend on the trainee. I made the best progress on my deadlift pulling exclusively touch and go after years of doing dead stop only. Many strong pullers pull touch and go, and many others pull deadstop.
Well worth giving it a try.
Awesome to hear. I’m looking forward to deadlifting tng from now on, thanks man
I’m going to go ahead and assume you’re asking because you have a goal of deadlifting the most you can for 1 rep with a belt on infront of an official.
If you treat one as a less specific variation of the above than the other then you should have no problems slotting both into your training
There is certainly a better way of doing things than my way, but TnG just worked well for me. I liked it for a few reasons.
- I could really push a set hard
- When doing so, I got used to a little bit of slop in my form
- Constant tension, non-stop work during the set
- I felt like it reinforced a good movement pattern overall
- That little bit of slop and the work of pushing through less-than-perfect reps helped me learn to stay tight when my form broke down a little bit.
- I always pulled safely and productively all the way from a 275 max to a 615 max.
The only way to know for sure is to try something else and gauge its effectiveness.
If you are weak off the floor then t&g is not a good idea.
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