Hey guys, I’d just like to show my PR video of a 315lb deadlift done on Saturday. I’ve been training with decent consistency for about 5 months since I got mono, and about 5 months before that. I’m proud to have gotten this far, and this forum and site has helped more than alot.
Does my form check out pretty well? I’ve thought about maybe starting with my hips a little lower with my back at a greater angle to the floor, but my legs are pretty long compared to my torso.
Good PR man!! Best feeling in the world is a deadlift PR!! The only form critique i would have is for you to drop your ass. But other then that good shit!! And try using Magnesium Carbonate it could help!!
[quote]KingMike wrote:
Good PR man!! Best feeling in the world is a deadlift PR!! The only form critique i would have is for you to drop your ass. But other then that good shit!![/quote]
Agree. It was a pretty good lift, but you could have kept your ass down a bit more. Thinking of pushing the floor away will surely help this.
For what? Do you mean chalk? His gym might not allow it, otherwise that would be a great suggestion.
Congrats on the PR. Looks like you’re rounding your lower back to me for the entire lift. Get rid of the belt and drop the weight for a while till you have the flexibility to keep your spine neutral.
good lift, like the shoes, had plenty left over. Just check the form…eat big lift big…youll be stacking cookies on each side like its nobodies business in no time!
[quote]eic wrote:
KingMike wrote:
Good PR man!! Best feeling in the world is a deadlift PR!! The only form critique i would have is for you to drop your ass. But other then that good shit!!
Agree. It was a pretty good lift, but you could have kept your ass down a bit more. Thinking of pushing the floor away will surely help this.
And try using Magnesium Carbonate it could help!!
For what? Do you mean chalk? His gym might not allow it, otherwise that would be a great suggestion. [/quote]
Chalk is Magnesium Carbonate, lol.
My public gym dosent allow it, but do i care? Hell no.
Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I tried 335 but it wouldn’t come off the ground. This is my first real dead max, so I don’t think I was ready for the grind. Technique wise, you all have good suggestions. Flexibility is an issue for me and hopefully my lower back is close to being in the right position, it does seem slightly flexed.
As for the chalk, that’s a good suggestion because I normally dead with a pronated grip, and at around 300lbs it’ll start slipping right out, so I switched to mixed for this lift.
I think next time I’ll be ready for the grind and keep my ass down in practice. I’ve never worn a belt I just felt compelled to this time.
you had 335 in you easy, deadlifting is all about confidence, you gotta tell yourself you can lift it. with no confidence when deadlifting you wont get anywhere.
[quote]cgeezy wrote:
Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I tried 335 but it wouldn’t come off the ground. This is my first real dead max, so I don’t think I was ready for the grind. Technique wise, you all have good suggestions. Flexibility is an issue for me and hopefully my lower back is close to being in the right position, it does seem slightly flexed.
As for the chalk, that’s a good suggestion because I normally dead with a pronated grip, and at around 300lbs it’ll start slipping right out, so I switched to mixed for this lift.
I think next time I’ll be ready for the grind and keep my ass down in practice. I’ve never worn a belt I just felt compelled to this time.[/quote]
They’re right, you need to be very confident to deadlift well. It has taken me 30 years to have a screw it and really put my all into the lift. I can’t do it on a squat or bench yet, but maybe someday, hahaah!
[quote]mbm693 wrote:
Congrats on the PR. Looks like you’re rounding your lower back to me for the entire lift. Get rid of the belt and drop the weight for a while till you have the flexibility to keep your spine neutral. [/quote]
I agree about the lower back big time, and drop your ass a bit… a bit of hamstring stretching will go a long way
Nice work man. Looked comfortable for you - nice and quick.
Interesting comments about confidence and deadlifting as well. Lately my deadlifts have been very poor, and I’ve noticed I’ve been hanging around in the starting position for longer and longer, basically due to doubts about my set up and lack of confidence about making the lift. A little attitude goes a long way with deadlifts, for sure.