Do you lift more weight in the squat or the deadlift?
Maybe it’s just because I haven’t pushed myself in the squat because I don’t have a power rack but I seem to be able to pull a lot harder in the deadlift.
Do you lift more weight in the squat or the deadlift?
Maybe it’s just because I haven’t pushed myself in the squat because I don’t have a power rack but I seem to be able to pull a lot harder in the deadlift.
Deads lifting numbers tend to be higher then squats
sometimes i wonder this,?Because i want to increase my military, bench,and dead/squat.
these are my major lifts and due to my work schedule i feel that deads are better to increse ovcerall load. just my opinion
The deadlift should be higher than the squat. If you look in powerlifting mags you will see that the squats are higher but this is due to the use of squat suits… squat suits provide a bigger assist out of the hole than what the deadlift suits give you. Now i’m NOT knocking the use of suits because I use them myself. I’m a competeative powerlifter or at least I will be again once this torn tendon thing is over… Unless the problem is in you’re grip you should be able to pull more than you squat. Once you’re grip starts to give even a little you feel weak all over!!
I agree with the above that deads will be more weight that squats. I think another reason is balance. In the squat, the weight is very high, which raises your center of gravity, making it more difficult to balance your torso. In the dead, although the point of attachment to your body is the same as a squat, the weight is lower, which overall lowers your center of gravity. And almost no balancing is required. So your legs spend energy balancing more in the squat than in the dead.
My squat is better than my deadlift. I agree with what everyone said. For me, it is because my grip strength is not where it should be though it is improving.
In most cases, your deadlift will always be higher than your squat. You can use a lot more muscle in the deadlift to pull it off the floor versus throwing weight on your back, going down and back up.
I am even in both. My bench though is far far behind.
[quote]samsmarts wrote:
I am even in both. My bench though is far far behind.[/quote]
Not a problem. You should definitely be able to squat and deadlift more than you bench…
I am 6-5 so my squat sucks. I think I have a pretty good deadlift though. I have never really “maxed” on either lift. But I have gotten 350 on squats and 495 on deadlifts. I do SL Deadlifts for sets of 6-8 with 315 on a pretty consistent basis. I don’t do a lot of true deadlifts.
Deads are generally higher, except as already meintioned with good powerlifters, some due to gear like suits and knee wraps. But I think a lot of it has to do with form, stance, training to get a really good groove, and having good squat shoes. I think an average guy should be able to squat pretty close to what he deadlifts if he has good shoes, belt, and form.
you also have to take into body types… torso length, arm length, as well as many other things play a part in which lift you can excel at
Also like mentioned I think the squat is a more technical lift and with experiance it should be close to your dead and for many people (even without a squat suit) it can be more then your dead.
I have short arms and feel with training I can easily have a squat equal to my dead… just working on getting my bench a bit better now
Am a weak beginner. My deadlifts is more then my squat. lol even my bench is more then my squat. I just found out my lower body is weak and my upper body is strong for my body weight 138Lbs. 365Lbs on deadlifts, 205Lbs on bench, well my squat is weak, i must have long legs or something less 180Lbs.
[quote]CodyJay wrote:
Am a weak beginner. My deadlifts is more then my squat. lol even my bench is more then my squat. I just found out my lower body is weak and my upper body is strong for my body weight 138Lbs. 365Lbs on deadlifts, 205Lbs on bench, well my squat is weak, i must have long legs or something less 180Lbs. [/quote]
Or bad form/technique.
My dead is about 100lbs more than my squat. However, there’s this guy I know that can squat 685lbs and only dead about 500lbs. Guess it depends on your training.
My DL is higher than my squat and I don’t want to talk about my bench hahaha damn
Even with shitty technique my squat is almost equal to my deadlift (380/410) maybe that means my DL form sucks as well.