Deadlift Form Check

Can you guys take a look at my form here and maybe give me some advice on how to keep it from getting stuck on my thighs ? I am 6’0 300 and squatting 550 so I know I am capable of pulling this up! I have a state meet coming up soon so I’m trying to get everything perfect

Looked alright but always hard to tell from the front. The things that stand out:

  • uneven bar
  • hitch (may or may not be an issue)
  • seems like you get pulled forward a bit.

Yes I did notice the uneven grip but do you think there is anything I can do to keep it from getting stuck on my thighs ? I feel like the weight is pretty easy to pull up tell that point.

I’m just some random dude on the interwebz killing time on a Saturday, and I know this is almost a necrothread.

I’ve watched your video through a dozen times. Here’s what I see.

It looks to me like you drop your hips down at the beginning of the pull, and it looks to me more like you’re squatting the weight up. Then, about midway through, you very obviously shoot your hips through, probably because your legs are much stronger then your lower back. The problem is that the bar is only mid-thigh, and thus you get stuck on your thighs, and end up hitching etc.

If I were going to make a suggestion for how to fix the issue, I would say that you need to focus on better technique on lighter weights, and strengthen your lower back. Maybe rack pulls, pulls with chains, and straight leg deadlifts.

When I deadlift, I grab the bar, and then let my hips come up until there is tension in my hamstrings, and then I start the coordinated pull.

I’m not a strength coach, nor do I play one on television, so here’s a video of Tony Gentilcore doing a deadlift. Notice how his hips are midway up at the start? That keeps the legs out of the way during the pull etc.


As you should know, hitching the weight like that is going to get you three red lights.

Capable of Pulling It

You’re not capable of pulling up without breaking the rules.

You Lift Like You Train

With your meet coming up “Soon”, you don’t have anytime left to “Fix” your Deadlift.

Chalk Question

Did you chalk your legs? It appears that you may have.

Fixing Your Top Pull

You are definitely strong off the floor.

Focus on exercises that strengthen you top pull. That takes time. With your meet coming up “Soon”, you are out of time.

Increasing Glute-Hip Drive

The key to finishing the top end of the Deadlift is drive the hips into the bar. You don’t have enough Glute-Hip Strength finish the top end of the Deadlift without hitching.

Thus, the key to fixing your hitch is to employ exercise designed to increase your Glute-Hip Drive.

The following Glue-Hip Drive Training Exercises will resolve your issue, over time.

Auxiliary Exercises

  1. Rack Pulls: Deadlift performed from a few inches below where you begin to hitch, your sticking point.

Your sticking point is like a car running out of gas. Once the car runs out of gas it will continue to roll down the road. That means where the car stops is NOT where it ran out of gas.

The same is true of sticking points in lifting. The sticking point occurs a couple of inches below from where the bar stops and you start hitching.

  1. Partial Heavy Good Mornings: The Strength Curve of the Good Morning is the same as a Deadlift. However, more forward lean occurs in the Good Morning than the Deadlift.

The farther the bar is from the body’s Center of Gravity, the greater the torque; meaning the bar is really heavier than the weight on it.

A lighter load with the Good Morning essentially produce the same loading as a heavier Deadlift.

  1. Back/Hip Extensions: This is a Good Morning performed from a different angle.

a) 45 Degree Back Extension: The 45 Degree works the Deadlift from just below the knee area to just above the knee area.

b) 90 Degree (Parallel) Back/Hip Extension: This works the top end finish of the Deadlift.

  1. Barbell Hip Thrust: A great Glute-Hip Movement.

Pull The Bar BACK

The bar drifted a little out in front of you once above you knees; farther away from the body’s Center of Gravity.

The farther that bar is from you Center of Gravity the weight of the bar is magnified beyond it’s true weight due to the torque.

Thus, be sure and focus on pulling the bar BACK on top of you.

Kenny Croxdale


Y’all please watch the video again. Look Only at dude’s right foot and right knee.

Then, watch again, but this time watch the motion of the bar.

Last, watch dude’s shoulders.

What do you guys think?

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Kenny had good info above.

Tough to say exactly since it’s a max rep, and technically a supramax rep bc he missed. Things are panicking bc he’s beyond his current capability.

-Weak glutes/posterior
-Poor position, which may be improved through hook grip. Optimal position is even more important for this fellow bc he’s a big boy.
-heavy rack deads will help focusing on really firing through with the backside.

Edit: watched some more and I hate that mixed grip on you. Get away from that it’s adding to you torquing all over the place.