Deadlift Form Check Required!

Hello All, I recently started deadlifting regularly. I would like feedback on my form, and pointers to any mistakes/deficiencies! Any feedback is much appreciated!

I’m sure you’ll get a bunch more people chiming in, but the one thing I notice right off the bat is that your hips could be lower. Notice that when you’re in the bottom position, you could push your shins forward a bit so that they meet the bar. When you pull from here, you won’t scratch up your shins, but the bar will travel in a straighter line. By “pushing your shins forward” to meet the bar, what will happen is that your hips will sink just a bit.

go to YouTube and check out Omar Isuf’s channel. Search for “deadlift tips” with Jeremy Hamilton. Very useful!

1.) Unless those are wrestling shoes, ditch them in favor of something with a flat, hard sole. Converse All-stars, any of those “minimalist shoes,” wrestling shoes, or barefoot is the way to go.

2.) Work on keeping your feet planted on the ground and don’t pick your toes up. Ditching those shoes may help with this.

3.) Your legs should be in contact with the bar. Start out closer to the bar and actively try to push your hips back when you go to grab it: don’t just bend down. Pushing the hips back allows you to load the hamstrings, so if you feel a stretch on them while in the bottom position you’re doing it right. This is your biggest problem and can’t be overstated: Set up closer to the bar and push your hips back. Pull with your hamstrings and glutes, not your lower back. Google “hip hinge” for more information.

4.) You lack overall tightness. Make sure you set your upper back by depressing your shoulders. Think about pushing your shoulder blades into your back pockets while holding the bar, and maintain that tension in your upper back the whole time. Also, brace your abs before you pull.

5.) Most people say you should keep your neck in a neutral position (Not cranked upward like you’re doing in the video), although some very strong people disagree. Try keeping your neck neutral and as you get stronger and get more practice you can decide what works better for you.