[quote]Field wrote:
Skeptical is skeptical. Looks like 5x1 instead of 1x5.
In our modern society with cameras on phones, instead recorded with 1965 Sony CVC-2000.[/quote]
I don’t get it douche bag, how many times can do pull 300.
[quote]Field wrote:
Skeptical is skeptical. Looks like 5x1 instead of 1x5.
In our modern society with cameras on phones, instead recorded with 1965 Sony CVC-2000.[/quote]
I don’t get it douche bag, how many times can do pull 300.
[quote]Crow wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
Skeptical is skeptical. Looks like 5x1 instead of 1x5.
In our modern society with cameras on phones, instead recorded with 1965 Sony CVC-2000.[/quote]
I don’t get it douche bag, how many times can do pull 300. [/quote]
Chill out, if you don’t want people to comment on the video, don’t post. The fact is that any video of this quality would be questioned by a large majority of viewers. Now, I’ve seen a couple of other threads about this kid, so I don’t doubt at all that he did in fact pull 300x5. But maybe that dude hasn’t seen the other threads, in which case it would be pretty fair to question this one, you know what I mean?
[quote]GhostOD wrote:
Chill out, if you don’t want people to comment on the video, don’t post. The fact is that any video of this quality would be questioned by a large majority of viewers. Now, I’ve seen a couple of other threads about this kid, so I don’t doubt at all that he did in fact pull 300x5. But maybe that dude hasn’t seen the other threads, in which case it would be pretty fair to question this one, you know what I mean?[/quote]
He wants people to comment, not be douchebags. Sure the video is choppy, but the angle changes and you can tell by the background that it is obviously not edited sets of 1. There are two options for the dude that thought so; either he was just being a jerk, or he is an idiot. Your post was very well mannered; you definitely don’t seem like a jerk. You do seem like a moron for thinking that “a large majority” would think this was some kind of hoax though lol.
Super awesome. Henry is lucky to have you, Crow.
Crow posting a phony vid. Now THAT is laughable.
Thanks for the defense guys. If it was phony I guess we must have overlaid our voices and had the people in the background “act” for us. He resets before every rep on purpose. I feel touch and go deadlifts are useless for developing your 1RM. On a touch and go set or bounce set the hardest rep is number 1, so I would rather have five number 1’s, than one hard one and 4 easy ones. I think my history on this site and lifting experience can vouch for my honesty. I will never apologize for defending my family do matter how heated I sound.
[quote]Crow wrote:
Thanks for the defense guys. If it was phony I guess we must have overlaid our voices and had the people in the background “act” for us. He resets before every rep on purpose. I feel touch and go deadlifts are useless for developing your 1RM. On a touch and go set or bounce set the hardest rep is number 1, so I would rather have five number 1’s, than one hard one and 4 easy ones. I think my history on this site and lifting experience can vouch for my honesty. I will never apologize for defending my family do matter how heated I sound.[/quote]
The way your kid lifts, I don’t think you need to defend him.
Great work, thanks for sharing
Thanks again everyone. The next challenge will be 315 for a 5RM.
[quote]GhostOD wrote:
maybe that dude hasn’t seen the other threads, ?[/quote]
Correct. havent seen other threads.
Unless recorded with potato, chop doesnt appear in videos due to magic.
Said chop allows casual observer to question rest time between pulls.
[quote]Field wrote:
Said chop allows casual observer to question rest time between pulls.
And whether or not he paid the people in the background to freeze and then resume normal activity in time with his son’s reps.
You are a dipshit lol.
[quote]Field wrote:
[quote]GhostOD wrote:
maybe that dude hasn’t seen the other threads, ?[/quote]
Correct. havent seen other threads.
Unless recorded with potato, chop doesnt appear in videos due to magic.
Said chop allows casual observer to question rest time between pulls.
I SOOOOOOOOOO long for the day YOU post a video on here. I will over analyze it as you have obviously done & take a huge shit on you. I will then encourage everyone else to do so also.
I mean think about it for one min. So Crow set up this elaborate hoax involving others at the gym to film his kid dead lifting 300 pounds? Why not 600 using those fake plates from the Arnold? So this is some “Cris Angel mind freak” kind of shit?? Come on…
dude was at the gym, kid had a good session and Crow grabbed the camera ( prolly a cell phone) to catch the moment. end of story.
Wow, that is great. Awesome job Henry did.