So, In the 8 months I have been going to my “gym” I have only seen 1 person watch me deadlift and squat. This guy must think he’s real hardcore because he makes these awful faces of disgust when I’m lifting. The other day I was on the backside of a deadlift Pyramid, I was hitting the bottom with 135 (top was 405x2) and this guy is over there rolling his eyes.
Now granted it was at the end of a really long set and my back was probably a little rounded, but for christs sake, I have seen him squatting about 1/2 his bodyweight and barely being able to get 3 reps out of it. Shit he isn’t even close to parallel. The nerve of some people to act like thier the fucking end all be all of lifting. I swear this guy looks at me funny again I’m trowing a 35 right through his stupid head.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
This would have been better if it was about some dead guy lifting weights at the gym. :([/quote]
Honestly I tried that approach, but everything I wrote up came out well kinda soundin a little forced and stupid. I did try to take it that way though. Sorry, my skillz must be a little off today.
So, I’m at the gym getting ready to hit it hard and this prick up and fucking dies while curling in the squat rack. Asshole gym employees wouldn’t let me use the squat rack because they didn’t want to move his corpse out of the way. I offered to pick him up and put him over by the treadmills, but nooooooooooooooo they wouldn’t take me up on my offer. Paramedics took their own sweet time showing up and moving his body. Had to cut leg day short.
So there’s this goddamn zombie who lifts at my gym. EVERY DAY he shambles over to our only platform and sets the bar to 135 to attempt a power clean.
Being a zombie, the moment he tries to pull the bar from the floor both his arms rip off at his shoulders and he he sails into the air with a confused look on his face. Black ichor and maggots spew from the wounds, which take him half an hour to clean up. He then shuffles out of the gym in embarrassment, only to return the next day to monopolize the platform yet again doing the same thing.
So, In the 8 months I have been going to my “gym” I have only seen 1 person lift real heavy weights. This guy must think he’s real hardcore because he makes these awful faces of disgust when I’m lifting. The other day I was on the backside of a deadlift Pyramid, I was hitting the bottom with 135 (top was 405x2) and this guy is over there rolling his eyes.
Anyway, next thing you know, his eyes are rolling into the back of his head, and he falls to the ground in convulsions. Now I was pretty tapped out at this point, but this dude falls right into where I was lifting! For christs sake, the nerve of people! Anyway, the gym called the paramedics and I guess he’s dead. He deserves it tho, people are fucking rude. I swear if this guy’s widow looks at me funny at the funeral I’m throwing a 35 right through her stupid head.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
This would have been better if it was about some dead guy lifting weights at the gym. :([/quote]
Honestly I tried that approach, but everything I wrote up came out well kinda soundin a little forced and stupid. I did try to take it that way though. Sorry, my skillz must be a little off today.
Sooo you opted to take the other approach… that ended up sounding forced and stupid?
[quote]p2501 wrote:
So there’s this goddamn zombie who lifts at my gym. EVERY DAY he shambles over to our only platform and sets the bar to 135 to attempt a power clean.
Being a zombie, the moment he tries to pull the bar from the floor both his arms rip off at his shoulders and he he sails into the air with a confused look on his face. Black ichor and maggots spew from the wounds, which take him half an hour to clean up. He then shuffles out of the gym in embarrassment, only to return the next day to monopolize the platform yet again doing the same thing.
Goddamn dead lifters![/quote]
No, no, no…this would be highlarious if the title was Undead Lifter at My Gym
[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
So, In the 8 months I have been going to my “gym” I have only seen 1 person lift real heavy weights. This guy must think he’s real hardcore because he makes these awful faces of disgust when I’m lifting. The other day I was on the backside of a deadlift Pyramid, I was hitting the bottom with 135 (top was 405x2) and this guy is over there rolling his eyes.
Anyway, next thing you know, his eyes are rolling into the back of his head, and he falls to the ground in convulsions. Now I was pretty tapped out at this point, but this dude falls right into where I was lifting! For christs sake, the nerve of people! Anyway, the gym called the paramedics and I guess he’s dead. He deserves it tho, people are fucking rude. I swear if this guy’s widow looks at me funny at the funeral I’m throwing a 35 right through her stupid head.
ROFL…good shit.
I guess it was a team effort but V and PMPM this is one of the best parody threads in weeks!
[quote]p2501 wrote:
So there’s this goddamn zombie who lifts at my gym. EVERY DAY he shambles over to our only platform and sets the bar to 135 to attempt a power clean.
Being a zombie, the moment he tries to pull the bar from the floor both his arms rip off at his shoulders and he he sails into the air with a confused look on his face. Black ichor and maggots spew from the wounds, which take him half an hour to clean up. He then shuffles out of the gym in embarrassment, only to return the next day to monopolize the platform yet again doing the same thing.
Goddamn dead lifters![/quote]
No, no, no…this would be highlarious if the title was Undead Lifter at My Gym[/quote]
Did you miss that this person has been a member for years, a level 3 customer, and this was his first post? I think its one helluva first post.