[quote]Justayoungen wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Justayoungen wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Justayoungen wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Justayoungen wrote:
albig wrote:
Fact ive learned more from people on this site than all research i can find on my own in first year of med school.
If you are actually in med school and you are incapable of deciphering a adequate dosing protocol for simple drugs like synthetic androgens, you will not make it, my friend. Simple chemistry and maybe BASIC pharmkin are more than enough to figure it out, on your own.
Cool post brah
Are you talking about the same book that are read by the doctors who prescribe testosterone cypionate twice a month?
What is the point of your post? Go start random arguments in a PM if you feel the need.
What book are you referencing?
Injection frequency of 2x a month is much more for patient adherence, ease, and liability than for stable blood levels. The point is, you guys make this pseudo-mystic about these compounds, like you need some advanced degree to figure out how they work. By saying med school does not prepare one to figure this out, he is implying that only one with VERY advanced education is capable of “figuring them out.” It is just not true.
Not sure what I did to upset you, my friend, are the mod on this board?
I know why it’s prescribed the way it is. And most here are also aware of the ways to keep blood levels stable.
I’m not upset by you at all. I have no idea who you are. I also have no idea why you felt the need to take a shot at someone in a random thread. Is it just an ego thing? Or maybe it was just one of those moods one gets in.
Well if you knew that, then why would you reference it as some proof of ignorance on part of the physician? I explained why I mentioned it, because it incorrectly gives this label to these compounds. This forum likes to pretend like they are some elitist group of drug users; as if they are the only ones who can figure out how to use them effectively. “I am in med school, and I still can’t figure them out.” He can’t figure them out because of some other reason, having nothing to do with the complexity of the compounds themselves. Anyone with a good sense in basic science and math should be able to figure out how to use them just fine.
Elitist? Have you been introduced to the Kettle yet?
LOL, witty, but I am afraid I don’t understand? How have I, in any way, presented myself as an elitist??? Certainly not because I pointed out that steroids are not the most complicated drugs on earth, that only medical graduates can understand?[/quote]
Why did you feel the need to point out an obvious fact in the first place? To belittle someone. Go away.
There are tons of people here and elsewhere using AAS effectively and optimally. How many do you think have a medical degree? (that’s a rhetorical question, I know a lot of you text book guys dont get that sometimes)
Come on. You’re just being annyoing at this point.