I have been lifting for seven years, and i am involved in competetive bodybuilding. Im about to start a cycle of dbol, for about 6 weeks. I was wondering what i could use for pct. It has to be something legal, that i could buy in the states. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Nolva from a research chemical site. Legally sold for experimental use on your lab rats.
And there are some serious questions in mind as to whether you know what you’re doing here with your entry into the world of AAS. Please read the stickies.
I have done a lot of research about dbol an some other forms of gear. I’m no expert don’t get me wrong, but I’m well aware of how the drug works and any or all sides. Thanks for the suggestion though. And what r stickies?
Stickies are pinned threads that stay at the top of a forum / subforum. Generally they cover all the basics… so here that encompasses designing cycles, ancillaries and so forth.
Running a dbol-only cycle has its limitations. It’s fine for an untested JC football player etc… who wants some bulk and strength over a short period of time, but on its own it doesn’t suit the goals of most people who are in the iron game for the long haul.
[quote]tfreakz55 wrote:
I have done a lot of research about dbol an some other forms of gear.[/quote]
Then why are you asking such a basic question? Not to be a jerk, but you seriously do really need to know what you’re doing with this stuff if you care about your health.
Obvious troll is obvious.
[quote]tfreakz55 wrote:
I have done a lot of research about dbol an some other forms of gear. I’m no expert don’t get me wrong, but I’m well aware of how the drug works and any or all sides. Thanks for the suggestion though. And what r stickies?[/quote]
i agree you probably read every single thing you found on these drugs, and your conclusion to all that reading was a DBOL only cycle, cmon please. If your worried about injecting, or can’t get a hold of any test, do a OT (oral turinabol) cycle at 60mg/d for 6weeks … enuf said…
Well i felt that dbol is perfect for what im trying to do, which is bulking up. I wanna put on about 10 to 20 more pounds of muscle. Im at about 185 right now. Im 5"8 and pretty much all muscle. The reason im not adding test is simple, i cant afford it, plus i hate needles.
There isn’t a chance in the world you gain 10-20 pounds of muscle with 6 weeks of dbol at any dose. 20 pounds of WEIGHT is very possible, however. Weight gain from dbol is transient. You can expect to gains 20 pounds of weight with maybe 4-5 pounds of it muscle. The rapid weight gain and even more rapid weight loss post cycle can be very tought to deal with psychologically.
You are misguided if you think dbol solo is perfect for bulking up.
Read about class I class II synergy.
Thanks for the advice. What would the other 15 pounds be? It cant all be water. I understand the cycle sucks, but its all i got for now. Most people start out with dbol. If i could afford to add test i would. I just wanna get my feat wet, you know? Some people, like your typical mesomorph have great results with dbol only cycles. That would include me lol, so im gonna give it a go.
[quote]tfreakz55 wrote:
Thanks for the advice. What would the other 15 pounds be? It cant all be water. I understand the cycle sucks, but its all i got for now. Most people start out with dbol. If i could afford to add test i would. I just wanna get my feat wet, you know? Some people, like your typical mesomorph have great results with dbol only cycles. That would include me lol, so im gonna give it a go. [/quote]
Glycogen, intracellular fluid, subcutaneous water.
Whatever you paid for the dbol you could have saved to buy testosterone at some point in the near future. The price/results ratio is infinitely better when using testosterone if you only have the option of using one drug.
Most people start out with dbol only because, frankly, most people are undereducated. But you seem to know what you are getting into and it is your money and body. Good luck.
Thanks bro, ill probobly switch over to test after this cycle. Its tough to find though.
Seeing as how you are saying test is hard to find, I would imagine that your dbol was easy to find, making me wonder if you have ordered from some “legal steroids” site. Any dealer I have ever known willing to sell someone dbol was more than willing to sell a bottle of test too.
“fact”, the more anabolic a drug is, the more it will help you to build actual muscle tissue, not water retention, but actual growth.
“fact”, dbol is one of the most anabolic drugs out there, mg per mg, it may just be the most anabolic, definitely going by my own experience.
so combine those 2 “facts”, and dbol is superior in many ways, to many other anabolic steroids. So why does the old wive’s tale about dbol only cycles still persist, that you cant gain and maintain real mass with it…Off hand I can see a few reasons…One, due to another wives tale about how hard it is on the liver, dbol cycles tend to be short, in the order of around 4 weeks, while test and other injectables cycles tend to be in the 8-12 week range. So no brainer, you will gain and keep more off one of the other cycles. Not to mention, add the the mg per week in a test cycle, and compare it to the mgs per week in a dbol cycle, the dbol user is using much less.
Also add in the fact that many that run dbol only cycles due so because they dont want to inject, which tends to have the users who are much less serious about bodybuilding taking this route…those more serious about getting huge, will get over their fear of poking. So this often being the case, the user knows less about training and nutrition, so they dont gain as much pure mass from the cycle as the experienced or serious user. Most of what they gain tends to be water, which of course is pissed out when they stop they cycle, regardless of the pct you follow. Also, this less experienced user, often has difficulty telling the difference between the water gained, and the muscle mass, this is easy to do as much of that water is held within the muscle, its not bloat…I fell for this many times during my early cycles
But I can honestly attribute much of my overall mass to dbol, arnold called it the breakfast of champions for a reason, and I think he knew more about bodybuilding than your average person who has these opinions of dbol. Mg per mg, dbol is by far the best steroid I have ever used…I have been cycling pretty extensively over the years, and as my avatar shows, I’ve done pretty well. And I am willing to bet I wouldnt be half this advanced without the drug
Dbol only cycles can be done successfully with lots of mass retained, you just need to keep a few things in mind
thats a quote i picked up from another forum. Just thought id put an end to all the dbol only haters out there.
That doesn’t put an end to anything. Trust me, you won’t be bringing any new, helpful information to this forum anytime soon. Nobody is saying that you won’t make gains on a Dbol-only cycle, it’s just a waste of time compared to an injectable cycle. If I am going to deal with the negative aspects of AAS use, such as being shutdown and going through the recovery process, I’m not going to bother with an inferior solo Dbol cycle. Something as simple as 500mg/week of Test would greatly improve the results of the cycle.
Also, if you don’t at least run an AI on cycle, everyone who knows you will probably suspect steroid use when you nearly instantaneously put on a large amount of weight, and then weeks later nearly instantaneously lose most of it. Let us also not forget that you’d have to be prepared to deal with the psychological hardship of feeling like you’re losing your precious gains when most of the gains you made disappear after your cycle.
If you aren’t serious enough to invest the comparatively small amount of money into a couple vials of Test (I mean seriously, you should be spending MUCH more $$ than that on food every week anyway) then you aren’t serious enough to be using any AAS period. Same goes if you aren’t even willing to stick a tiny needle.
Go back to creatine, it’s painfully obvious that you aren’t ready for this.
apparently you didnt read that at all. The point was, that serious weight lifters who diet well and train hard, will keep a significant amount of their gains. Test def helps a cycle a ton, im not gonna argue that. Im just saying dbol can be used solo effectively. A lot of people say you wont put on any muscle mass at all, which is complete nonsense. Bottom line is that most begginers will shy away from needles simply because it can be intimidating. No reason to shone them for startin with dbol.
Who is saying that you won’t keep any lean mass after a Dbol cycle? You’re the one missing the point. You’re going to go through all the negatives of running a steroid cycle yet you aren’t going to reap the benefits of a cycle that includes Test. Basically, you’re getting a lousy return on investment. You said you want to gain 10-20 pounds of muscle - good luck on a short Dbol cycle getting anywhere near that. However, I’ve seen people gain in that range from simple 500mg/week solo Test cycles. Again, if for whatever reason you aren’t serious enough to run an injectable, then you probably aren’t serious enough to be messing around with steroids in the first place. Furthermore, the kinds of questions you’re asking tells everyone you haven’t done the required research yet.
But, it doesn’t matter, you’ve already decided what you want to do and are obviously trying to rationalize your decision.
Adding test to a cycle, makes the sides that much worse dude. You may have seen people put on that kind of weight with test alone, but that was probobly over a three or four month span. With an 8 to 12 week cycle of dbol, you could achieve the same results. The sides might be a little bit worse but most people who stay at a reasonable dosage wont experience any sides at all. I asked the questions so i could get peoples opinions, not cause i didnt know. You just assume i dont know anything. I have been a natrual bodybuilder for 7 years. I have done months of research on steroids. I just like to get everyones perspective.
[quote]tfreakz55 wrote:
Adding test to a cycle, makes the sides that much worse dude. You may have seen people put on that kind of weight with test alone, but that was probobly over a three or four month span. With an 8 to 12 week cycle of dbol, you could achieve the same results. The sides might be a little bit worse but most people who stay at a reasonable dosage wont experience any sides at all. I asked the questions so i could get peoples opinions, not cause i didnt know. You just assume i dont know anything. I have been a natrual bodybuilder for 7 years. I have done months of research on steroids. I just like to get everyones perspective.[/quote]
Pfff… My first cycle: 500mg Test-E/week for 10 weeks and then Nolva 40/40/20/20. Gained about 34 pounds at my peek, which was around week 8-9. I leveled out to 30 pounds on the dot by the end of the cycle. I bloated like hell because I made the mistake of not using an AI. Now, months after PCT, I have retained close to 20 pounds and most of my strength gains as well. Also, my bodyfat is probably the lowest it’s ever been.
Sides? What sides? I got some acne on my shoulders and the previously mentioned bloat. That’s all I had to complain about. Other than that my sex drive was through the roof and I felt great the entire time if you want to call those sides. My future cycles will all include an AI to control the bloat, and I got a trick up my sleeve that I am confident will take care of the acne as well.
Honestly, the reason why I gained so much could be because I was further from my genetic potential than I thought. I probably could have trained naturally for a while longer making good progress. I’ll admit I got a little anxious. But even still, 15 pounds of lean mass on an 8-12 week Test cycle is not uncommon at all for a first-timer. If you want to run 8-12 weeks of Dbol (as you mentioned) at a significant dose, go ahead, and be sure to post liver values as well.
Give it up man, you’re not bringing anything new to the issue. I consider myself a noob compared to a lot of the guys on this board, and you still have me shaking my head. Just take your damn Dbol and let this thread die like it should.