Davemccright's Dangerous Dave’s Diabolical Log for Density and Destruction

Dude this leg day kicked my ass! Day 1 with the squat wedges and I used them on squats, belt squats and somersault squats. Really torched my quads a little extra for sure, and the volume in this one was just killer! I didn’t realize this at the time because only getting 7 on my last squat set was disappointing, but 335x7 is actually a PR for me! Crazy! The belt squats for 25 reps per set had me in absolute agony. There’s really nothing quite like that. Then the somersault squats for 1.5s were just about to send me to the graveyard. The Stiff Legged Deadlifts actually gave me some reprieve after all the intense Quad work even though the hams got heavily torched on leg curl to start the session. Arm day tomorrow is going to feel like a vacation by comparison!


Arm day. Always a great day. Really good movements that I was able to just groove with today. Really had an insane arm pump, like I had Anchor arms installed and set to “jerk” setting!


do you squat high bar or low bar?

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Very high bar! Generally as high as I can go on my traps/neck.

Hell of a chest and shoulder pump day! Always feels good to squeeze the bonus sessions in! Really really enjoyed the movement selection here. Just some good old fashioned classics! I’ve always been a fan of John’s exercise selections and sequencing. He’s really one of the best to ever do it!

And a quick progress update since I haven’t shared one in a while. I’ve got a relaxed mirror shot I took before week 1 that I’ve got in reserve that I’ll post up to compare in 8 weeks to see if I’ve made some nice progress. Not expecting anything huge, but every little bit of mass at this point really counts!



Beast! Looking awesome dude


Thanks man!! Just trying to keep growing!

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Looking like an action figure!

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Thanks brother! Been my goal since I was a kid to be built like the old Jakks WWF/E action figures lol

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Fk mate, looking thic

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Thank you brother! It seems like the gains have been real this year for both of us!

Heavy back day. Really nice exercise selection as usual. Going backwards in the Pulldowns actually felt really nice. I think awareness of scapular positioning and its importance during my lifts has been the biggest and best thing I’ve learned in 2024. It’s been a great lesson to pass on to my clients as well.


I feel like I’m still learning and experimenting with this as well. Have you been watching any videos on this, or just learning about it as you train?

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Jonathan Warren‘s channel on YouTube has really opened my eyes to a lot of this stuff in regards to body position and biomechanics. He’s a PT and bodybuilder. He’s got some good eye catching entertainment style videos, critiquing stuff on his IG feed and great educational content as well like his “Exercises you should be doing” And “Exercises you’re probably doing wrong” Which has helped me clean up my form by staying more conscious of scapula position and maintaining a stack of my head, thorax and pelvis. His channel really helped me realize how much I really still had to learn in regards to proper biomechanics for best muscle growth outcomes. I think it’s just one of those things where I’d been so caught up in programming and progressive overload, that I’d underestimated perhaps the most critical piece, exercise execution.


Awesome dude, thank you.

You’ve got me thinking the exact same thing now.

I’ve subscribed to the channel, will be learning more. Thanks again!

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I’m so happy to hear that man! It just feels like such an eye opening thing, I just want to share my experiences and what I’ve learned to help people who are potentially in the same boat as me!


Amazing chest and shoulder session! Really got to push some heavy stuff around. Getting some banded Dumbbell Press in was definitely fun as always. Really got hard as hell by the end. Hit failure going for rep 8 and then only managed 4 on set two. I think the green band will be the better move next time.



Holy simoli (@simo74), a life size dorito!


Deff some serious v taper going on. Quality

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