Davemccright's Dangerous Dave’s Diabolical Log for Density and Destruction

Thank you sir, that’s absolutely a big goal of mine to be objectively big and strong by any metric. I just have to keep working.

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These are one of the craziest things he throws out there. It’s crazy how fast it gets terrible

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Absolutely man, especially being the 4th exercise of the workout, that fatigue came on quick! I loved it and hated it at the same time. Beautifully miserable lol

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Forgot to post last night’s chest and shoulder session. First time flat barbell pressing in quite a while! Really didn’t go too badly. The session overall was awesome and I always love hitting pec minor dips.


Good Back day yesterday. Cycled in some new exercises. Excited to progress these!


Arm day to start the week! Floor presses are back on the menu. Love that movement and feels great on my elbows and triceps. I might start incorporating Fat Gripz again for arm training, I miss those.


Fat grips for your phat arms. Quality

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Hahaha hell yeah brother!!

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This leg day really had me questioning my existence. I was so completely fried after the Bulgarian Split Squat drop set of death, it’s a wonder I survived the rest of the workout. I think I’ll be sleeping damn well tonight


Is that 60lbs per hand for the split squat ?

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I just use one dumbbell at a time for these! My other arm, I’ll either use for balance or just hanging at my side. So I guess it’s 60 lb per leg

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Sounds like it’s time to double down :wink:

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Yes sir! Room to grow!

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60lb per leg + your most of your body weight!

My physio recommended one arm DB BSS as you get greater glute activation. I find they are more challenging, maybe because it’s harder to balance.


My coach has me do them with a 100lb in each hand, it is plenty hard enough to balance I can assure you. LOL

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Visiting my dad in Texas and went to his gym, which was pretty awesome. Had quite a few more machines than my normal gym, so I really enjoyed myself! Dumbbells go up to 200 here, so that really tells you all you need to know.


That’s impressive!

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This proves a point (confirmation bias maybe) but i don’t think you can get big without getting strong at something (in the higher rep ranges).

Maybe its the only way to progressively overload over time but your numbers are so impressive as are your guns!

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Thank you sir! I really appreciate that and I think you’re right about that man. Most of my life I’ve spent training has been focused towards getting bigger rather than getting stronger. And while my “Big 3” are not even the most impressive in my gym, a lot of my isolation movements and machine work seem to blow people away that I’m training around. I think that is simply a product of progressive overload in “Bodybuilding rep ranges” as you’ve mentioned. A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle!

Seeing John Meadows still repping out 3 plates on incline bench when he was almost 50 is super humbling and inspirational to me!


Yesterday I got my first lift in with my dad in years. Brought back memories of training together in the garage when I first got started. Even though he hadn’t trained in a few months, I took him through the exact workout I did and he absolutely hung in there with me! Absolute beast! I must’ve subconsciously been training harder with my dad there because I was a whole extra level of exhausted at the end and my lats and upper back were completely fried to an insane degree.