Hey guys I recently stalled on bench and although it hasn’t completely stopped it has been going significantly slower. I was working up to a 4RM back at my home gym and when I came back to school I could only do it for 2 reps (wider bar here) so I kept that for 2 weeks adding 3-5lb. both weeks. This week I added another 5lb and only got 1 rep. Now I really wouldn’t consider this bad progress considering I’m obviously not going to be able to increase by 5lb. each week but normally I would just keep adding weight as the reps dropped, and now I’m at 1 rep. Also, my pin presses are at 2x1 now as opposed to 2x3 like in the previous weeks so it seems like I should change things.
My split is almost exactly like how it’s set up in the bench press cure article anyway (2 push, 2 pull/legs), the main thing I would be changing is how I go about benching. I have just a few questions before starting though and I’d appreciate any help with this I can get. Mainly on exercise selection:
Rows are put on upper/bench day. I currently do them on my lower (which is legs/pull) days. Can I keep the rows on lower body days or is there some important reason to keep them on pushing days? I don’t do much volume for legs in general so keeping the back movement there would keep workout times more reasonable as well
For “Free Time: For 20 minutes, do any upper-body movements you like. Keep all sets over 8 reps.” I know it says any upper-body movement, so I was thinking of having chest worked there since the only chest exercise being done is benching which is working my triceps a lot more with this style. I am interested in bodybuilding mostly so I was thinking of just putting flat flyes one day and incline the other so I can work chest without adding more pressing
For 2-board presses I figured I would just do towel or pin presses. Is that OK?
Thanks a lot guys and I’d be interested to hear about any experience you’ve personally had with the routine or other suggestions.