I had a great first date with this girl the other night. Any suggestions on where to take her? Please avoid the trite responses - movies, mini golf, etc
Well, first of all, where do you live? And what type of girl is she? Is she an adventurous type? Artistic? Wild? A bookworm? When planning a date, you should always be conscious of what type of girl she is.
In the meantime, and since it’s summer, here’s an idea:
Go out to eat at a nice resturant. Make sure it’s expensive. Make sure you tell her beforehand to bring a swimsuit along and then, after dinner, sneak into a hotel and use their pool. Check it out first… you’ll probably want one with a hot tub and you’ll definately want a romantic setting (no Motel 6’s.) This is a good way to build tension and excitement, plus it will give you two alot of time to talk.
The reason you want to make sure you take her to an expensive resturant is that you don’t want her to think you’re cheap for sneaking into a hotel (it’s a free swim, afterall.) Of course, you wouldn’t want to do this type of date if she’s a goody goody, or overly nervous or anything.
Picnic = cheap date, somehow its considered romantic as well
Shooting range then hot tub
a pet store where you can play with puppies (and later on hers), the beach, indoor rollarskating, or go-carting (thanks Brock).
Take her out back and stick it in her ass! It’ll be a date you both remember.
Whatever you did on the first date, do something that’s oposite: for example, if you did a dinner/movie, do a lunch or coffee house - where you can have more conversation. Or meet at a Pub for a beer/conversation and then go for a walk. Or something athletic - I like the go-cart thing (kewl!). So, do a arcade/go-cart date. Again, KEWL.
you could d othe coffee shop with poetry bein read thing. most chicks are probably into that
I think it was Horace who had the best idea (it was a post-prom thing though): go to the gym & do deadlifts!
Girls love guys with a good sense of humour, so take them to a comedy club its usually a great night, a lot of places do an improv night during the week which are fun with crowd participation or just go to the stand up on the weekend. You both have a laugh, she sees you have a sense of humour and i bet nobody else has taken her to one either so its original.
Take her horseback riding. If you can’t ride then disregard.