First let me say that I’m not interested in some heated and long drawn out debate. This thread is for CIVIL conversation. This applies to all and I know that @dbossa is not the only one on this forum that can get heated. That blame falls to many, including myself at times.
This thread is for the sake of a simple question and answer…agree or disagree. Period.
I just watched the video you posted here.
I don’t want to start a debate, and I especially don’t want to hijack someone else’s thread, so I started this one to get your feedback on a few questions I had concerning this…
First a statement. EVERYONE knows your position concerning AIs and E2… I actually agree with that philosophy and was on board even when @physioLojik was sounding this trumpet some time ago. No arguments there.
Now my question which will be prefaced for clarity… You mentioned (again) in this video that you take 300mg of Testosterone per week. I have no reason to doubt your claim, but your group advocates that everyone should use higher doses of testosterone than is normal (not saying normal is correct) in order to be “optimized”. I’m not even really saying that I disagree with this, in and of itself. You also stated that you are getting frustrated with guys trying to lump “bio identical” testosterone in with synthetic anabolics. Again…kudos. No arguments here.
Where I take issue is, and this has been brought up several times without answer, most guys would have to inject 200+mg of testosterone per week in order be optimized by your groups standard. I’m not totally against that, but I submit that there has yet to be an answer to the question…what doctor in the United States can prescribe this amount of injectable testosterone legally?
I can’t speak for other countries, and this is a world wide forum, but in the US, this creates a HUGE conflict. If these guys can’t find a legal route to achieve this newly defined optimization, then what do you think they’re going to do? They will have to turn to UGL sources. Now if they do that, then don’t you think that there is a more than reasonable chance that they will not be getting bio identical testosterone?
You said yourself that synthetic lab made shit is very bad, and all of the studies demonizing testosterone are valid when speaking in terms of synthetics, but the philosophy you preach, at least here in the US, will lead guys to an avenue where that will be their only option.
What happens when these guys become the statistic man? Is your group going to just redirect and say “well, they shouldn’t have been fucking around with synthetic shit. We told them!!” (Which would be accurate of course)
Shouldn’t you at least be disclaiming some of the philosophical optimization practices by saying, hey…this is what you need, but if you live in the US…sorry buddy you’re shit out of luck? You’re better off not being optimal than taking your chances on UGL?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your thoughts.