Thank you. I think Ive watched this one but listening to Serrano multiple times, much like Dr. Rhonda Patrick, you still learn a few things you missed the previous times.
Dude I’ve listened to each Rhonda Patrick podcast about 5 times since they have so much info to remember. Good stuff
Have you listened to her on Rogan’s podcast as well?
Yeah that’s how I found out about her. I listened to those 3 or so podcasts first which are so jam packed with info I had to take notes lol. After the first time I heard her I went straight to Amazon and bought everything I needed to grow my own sprouts
Yeah you need a notepad with her too. I tried listening to one of hers while mowing the lawn, so couldnt take notes, and I got frustrated because I felt like it was a waste LOL
That’s so true lol
Are all of the Rhonda Patrick Podcasts on Rogan good? I see there is 5 of them I added to my Que. Thanks guys
Yeah they are all good
What part of Canada are you in? You don’t have to be specific, Just like east side or west side, or in the middle?
I’m asking because I live in Montana, and if you live on the west side and not too extremely far away, I may take a trip up there soon (I want my wife to see Kelowna), and if I’m in your neck of the woods I would love to meet up with you and buy you a beer.
My email address is in my profile. Since I don’t have FB you can shoot me a message that way.
I’m close to Montréal so way on the other end unfortunately.
Damn…that’s TWO strikes now…
Canadian and eastern!! Lmao!!!
With 100% Italian blood… three strikes, I’m out lol!
Nah…Italian blood actually deducts a half a strike. Call me a softie but i got hooked on the Sopranos back in the day!
100% Sicilian right here. Bada bing!
100% napolitano
Hey Danny, I am 47 and was on try for a year and had issues with libido and erections. I got off it and have been off for about 2 years but my test is lower ( just under 300). I want to go back on and stay on it but don’t want the same thing to happen. Anyone else have this? Is it common?
Dany will not answer you these days because he has more important issues to take care of now.
If you had a bad protocol it is normal to feel bad on TRT.
If you start with a proper protocol you will most likely feel much better.
To get additional adivice please give some bloodwork and more context.
Also what was your protocol?
I would like to add my philosophy to this thread. TRT dose doesn’t have to be polarized by set dosages. I even can buy into the fact that some guys do require >200mg per week for symptom abatement. Howerver, jumping into TRT is like jumping into a pool of water for the first time in your life.
It makes empirical sense that you would not jump into the deep end for the first time and then stay there because you did not drown. It makes more sense to wade into the shallow end and continue to move deeper until you feel comfortable. Relating this back to TRT, starting off at a dose that gets your labs into the “normal” range and then assessing symptom abatement and how you generally feel. Then continue wading in to see if there is further symptom abatement and/or improved well-being.
As for my personal experience with 8+ years of TRT and working with a rather conservative but well respected TRT doc from the beginning that 100mg/week on an E3D schedule got me a long way toward feeling better but I knew it was not optimized. I had to perform my own experiments bumping the dose up in about 20mg/week increments, taking it over 200mg/week in one trial, to finally figure out that I felt my best at around 130-140mg/week (in an E3D protocol). That has become my new standard dose. It takes my Free T slightly above the upper end of the range for a younger guy (i am going on 63 years old), but I feel good at that dose, so I feel I’m ‘optimized’.
Bringing this back to the original conversation, there is room in the debate for shades of gray. It doesn’t have to be black and white.
It’s very common on these forums, it’s a matter of an appropriate protocol. These large infrequent dosing can cause problems for some men. A lot of the time docs just don’t know how to prescribe TRT which leaves the patient to have to figure everything out.
The T cream is foolproof, steady states are achieved in 14 days rather than the 6-8 weeks on injections.
I was on weekly injections then switched to twice a week. My levels were at around 600 done everything was good except the loan libido and Ed. I don’t want to start it again and run into the same problems.