Time to get serious about training! My husband (wanna_be) has a training journal on here and recommended I make one to keep track of my progress and workouts. So here I go…
Right now I’m doing a basic weight lifting workout and super setting every set with some things to keep my heart rate as high as possible.
Starting out I will be doing full body for a while and reevaluate later, possibly switching to a PPL split.
I plan to use double progression, if I hit my weight and rep goal during the week consistently, the following week I will up the reps, if I make the new added reps the. The following week I will up the weight and go back to the original reps and continue in that fashion.
Main movements with starting weight and base reps/sets:
Back squats 3x10 135lbs
Bench press 4x5 75lbs
RDL 3x10 135lbs
OHP 4x6 65lbs
TRX strap rows 3x15
Accessories I’ll SS in between lifts:
Battle ropes
Butt kicks
High knees
Jumping jacks
Lying leg raises
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First workout!
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
SS with jumping jacks
Bench press
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
SS with lying leg raises
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
SS with jumping jacks
65 x 6
65 x 6
65 x 6
65 x 6
SS with high knees
3 sets of 15
SS with battle ropes
Second workout!
Same as yesterday’s, but had some trouble with RDL!
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
SS with jumping jacks
Bench press
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
75 x 5
SS with lying leg raises
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 7
SS with jumping jacks
My hammies were super sore from yesterday but I pumped out as many as I could. Felt a little discouraged that I could do them all yesterday, but I failed to get those last 3 in… but I tried my hardest!
65 x 6
65 x 6
65 x 6
65 x 6
SS with high knees
3 sets of 15
SS with battle ropes
Nice! There can’t be very many couples on here. Maybe one day I can convince my girlfriend to start a log here, but that’s wishful thinking.
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Hi, Danielle What’s your curent bodyweight ?
I’m on the bigger side, 240lbs.
But working to get it off and get healthy!
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Oh don’t get us wrong we argue and he pushes me until I could punch him but without him I couldn’t do it! Tell your girlfriend to hop on and start one! It took me a while to start one too!
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You know what I might actually give it a shot. First I gotta convince her to start lifting consistently
What’s up? Nice to see you around here. Ever need any advice for whatever I’m on here fairly regularly.