Hello, I considered starting my 1st cycle about a year ago but decided to hold off and do a lot more research before using something as potentially dangerous as steroids. After so much reading I’ve found that a lot of sources say a lot of different things but I’ve tried to weed out the bad info and I’ve found that many of the posters here are exceptionally educated and mature on the subject. With that said, I was hoping to ask what many of you think about this cycle, most notably for a new user.
I have my training and diet down (been training for 8 years now) and want to take my dedication to bodybuilding to a new level that I believe I’m ready for. I’m 5’ 11" and about 201lbs at 9% and bulking. What do you guys think about:
W 1-6 Mast prop 185mg EOD (650mg/week)
W 7-8 Nolva 40mg/day
W 9-10 Nolva 20mg/day
I decided on masteron because of it’s mild side effects. I know it’s not a drug that will provide the gains of test or dbol but I just want to experiment with the concept of using (having to pin, side effects, lifestyle changes, etc). I also don’t want to start off with multiple drugs as I’d prefer to ease into using; take the slow and safe approach. The main thing I’m concerned about is the PCT. Does it look ok? Can you suggest anything better? An AI is not useful in this case, correct? And since it’s such a short cycle, should I bother using HCG? Do you think it’d be relevant to use here?
Thank you all who’ve taken the time to read this. I’d appreciate any input and am very open to suggestions.