First Cycle, In Need of Constructive Criticism

Hey guys, I’m 25, been training for almost four years now and for the last several months I’ve been thinking of doing a cycle. I’ve been browsing around T-Nation forums reading everything I could find about the subject and now I need some constructive criticism. I weight around 187 lbs and my main focus is to gain more muscle mass.


W 1-4 DBol 10mg 3x/D
W 1-12 Test C 200mg E3D
W 8-12 Winny 50mg/D
W 3-12 HCG 250iu 3x/w
W 1-15 Adex 0.25mg EOD (reduce to 0.125mg EOD in last week)

PCT (Test Stasis and Taper):

W 13-18 Test C + Masteron (50mg + 50mg /w)
W 19 Test C + Masteron (40mg + 40mg)
W 20 Test C + Masteron (30mg + 30mg)
W 21 Test C + Masteron (25mg + 25mg)
W 22 Test C + Masteron (20mg + 20mg)
W 23 Test C + Masteron (15mg + 15mg)
W 24 Test C + Masteron (10mg + 10mg)

Thanks for any positive and constructive criticism guys.

Looks like someone has done some research for this cycle. Why the masteron in your test taper and stasis?

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Why the masteron in your test taper and stasis?[/quote]

In the Test Taper sticky Prisoner mentioned that no Serm use is needed if masteron is used with test in the taper phase… he found libido to be even better when using this mix.

Maybe the best and least problematic 1st cycle proposal post on this forum ever.

PS—just a note keep an eye on the adex. You may need higher doses than that. Like .5mg EOD or something. I may be quite wrong as it’s been a long time since I frequented this forum or KSman’s suggestions, but I believe that dose of Adex is indicated for TRT doses, not “cycle” doses of test.

Aragorn, good to see you.

I agree with him. Thats kind of a low adex dose, so keep your eyes open and adjust accordingly.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
PS—just a note keep an eye on the adex. You may need higher doses than that. Like .5mg EOD or something. I may be quite wrong as it’s been a long time since I frequented this forum or KSman’s suggestions, but I believe that dose of Adex is indicated for TRT doses, not “cycle” doses of test. [/quote]
Thank you for pointing that out Aragorn… did some more reading and I’m definitely going with .5mg Adex EOD to be on the safe side.

[quote]Lilianu wrote:

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
PS—just a note keep an eye on the adex. You may need higher doses than that. Like .5mg EOD or something. I may be quite wrong as it’s been a long time since I frequented this forum or KSman’s suggestions, but I believe that dose of Adex is indicated for TRT doses, not “cycle” doses of test. [/quote]
Thank you for pointing that out buddy… did some more reading and I’m definitely going with .5mg Adex EOD to be on the safe side.

More is not necessarily safer. Starting low is a good idea. People that tank their estrogen (not likely but it could happen) tend to have a hard time dialing in the right dose because they try to tinker with the dose too often and the effects of the adex takes some time to manifest. So my opinion is it’s better to get it right the first time instead of overshooting then trying to backpedal.

x2 on being pleased to see you posting again Aragorn

[quote]Lilianu wrote:

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Why the masteron in your test taper and stasis?[/quote]

In the Test Taper sticky Prisoner mentioned that no Serm use is needed if masteron is used with test in the taper phase… he found libido to be even better when using this mix.

Masteron for libido works amazing for me!

I would still use nolva though simply to have natural test levels up quicker.

The masteron will help libido but it wont help natural test levels return faster only hinder them more than just the test alone will.

Masteron at low dose will not be very suppressive I believe but I havent found any studies to show how supressive its not and would be nervous to use it in stasis taper myself without having nolvadex in there to help bring the boys back quick.

But then my objective is to bring my natural test back as quick as I am possibly able to with what I have after a cycle.

Thanks guys! It’s good to be back. I don’t often venture out of the PWI or Alpha forums anymore. There’s so much crap around it’s hard to want to bother…and my life’s gotten a heckuva lot crazier in the past few months :).

I’ll try to pop around more often. I tend to have a bunch of idle questions floating around in my mind to post up anyways…as long as I get to a computer before I forget them (which isn’t often).

regarding Adex I agree with you BONEZ. But at the same time…I know some people on .5mg EVERY day of Adex for a 500mg test cycle. Any less than that and their nips get sensitive. Weird stuff.

Another quick question guys, what is your opinion on frontloading the test?

It should be done

[quote]OTS1 wrote:
It should be done[/quote]
Is it ok even if it’s my first cycle and I don’t know yet how my body will react to test? And if I’m going with 400mg/w Test C should I frontload 600mg first day? I used the and it’s the number I got.

Thank you for your help guys.

Ok guys, time for an update on my first cycle. I froantloaded 600mg Test C on my first day and then continued with 200mg E3D. As I mentioned in the first post I’m also using Dbol to kickstart my cycle (40mg ED). I’m at the end of the 3rd week now and I already gained 19 pounds. By the way, after further research I decided to stick with 1mg Adex EOD for the first 4 weeks I’m using Dbol (I had some problems with acne in the past and gyno is a big concern) and going to adjust if needed. So far everything is great, my libido is skyrocketing and my mood is great… and I’m having the best workouts of my life (great pumps, big strength gains). And a big relief is that there is no sign of acne breakouts.

Just one little issue… as I mentioned I get paranoid about gyno. My neeples don’t hurt or itch and I’m sure I don’t have any lumps, but they definitely got more sensitive. Is this a sign estrogen levels are still high enough to cause gyno? Thank you for taking the time guys…

Anyone care to share his experience?

Its not uncommon for many people to have “psychogenic” symptoms surrounding their nipples, when they are terrified of gyno, especially on a first cycle.

That being said, if you are having nipple sensitivity, slowly up your adex dose. If you have some nolva on hand, and you are experiencing no other estro related sides, you could add in a low dose of nolva.

Just tweak your cycle until you get the results you want. And keep track of what you did.