Hi guys, in the past I have done several cycles, even 2 years long, then I saw death everywhere and I stopped, now I am followed by an endocrinologist, this endocrinologist sees me every month and a half, checks my testosterone levels and based on the T. value in the blood he gives me an injection, next summer I would like to do a cycle, I am 1.83M tall and weigh 74kg, before I weighed 90kg, any advice to avoid arousing the endocrinologist’s suspicions? I would like to gain weight without him noticing… Before I used everything, from tren to bolde to win to masteron, now I don’t know what to do to avoid arousing suspicions…
Training and food will sort that right out. At your height and weight you’re not needing to use drugs to gain.
Doesn’t sound like you’ve got a great track record with using gear.
Probably his mates/gym bro who were dropping dead and not him
Not good either way
But if you follow steroid users epidemiologically they do die at higher rates particularly from cardiovascular disease (and yes… it’s the steroids in b4 someone says “they also use rec drugs” although there are often exacerbating circumstances)
Most people who use recreational drugs don’t have fatal arrhythmias at 40 etc
You don’t have enough time between bloodwork to do anything worthwhile. Just stay the course and slowly increase food to gain. Once bloods are six months apart you can start to think about additions
He checks your blood every 6 weeks that’s going to be tough. Honestly short oral cycles maybe, 4 weeks on 2 off, repeat until desired results. Not optimal at all but you’d still make some progress.
As far as hiding size, baggy clothes lol. No point taking AAS if you can’t get big right
Same post different day
Don’t try to hide things from your doctor. They need to know what you’re using. If you can’t bring yourself to tell the doctor the truth then don’t use gear.
Hey bro Now with the doctor I am adjusting the testosterone levels to those optimal for me, until he does this research I will stay still. Before the summer I wanted to do 250 mg of bolde and a little testosterone ‘proprionate’. The doctor does the new injection every 1 and a half / 2 months approximately with blood control of the testosterone values, I thought… two weeks before the appointment to disconnect with everything and go to the doctor for the check, what do you think is it valid as a theory… the testosterone values should have dropped after 2 weeks.
I think you don’t understand… I have different goals than yours…
I do understand. You’re saying you get bloodwork every 6 weeks and you want to add to your trt. You don’t have enough time to do any additional drugs and get your bloodwork back in check within a six week period.
Bro? I answered above. I don’t do anything every 6 months maybe I wrote it wrong. I answered you above. I read your stuff and I prefer your answer