Ready every stickied thread, then search your question some more, then read some more. No one here is going to spoon feed you and asking them to do so will only get you ignored and will not further your cause at all.
Go read some, learn some and then when you have some basic understanding come back for clarification.
I am John 22 years old from France for 1m82 (5’'11) and 75kg (166lbs). I was recently diagnosed with low T. My doc want to put me on TRT.
I’m wondering, what if i go for a cycle ? I know nothing on steroids, I’m afraid of doing something wrong and kill my HPTA
Can someone help me? Or “Coach” me?
PS: I would like to be a dad, later
Here is my personal link, you can see that even with a good diet & training, i’m not able to make gain
How low is low? I have low T (very bottom of range) but felt fine. Other don’t. If your test is well below range and you have low testosterone symptoms and want to know if cycling is going to be a good substitute for TRT then NO. How would spike and crashing your hormones over and over be better than a constant stream of synthetic test going in?
As far as your HPTA recovering then if you’re on TRT it’s for life so recovery isn’t really that important. If you cycle properly then HPTA can be restored to where it was given time but if this leaves you with low T then your no better off than before the cycle.
If you want Kids then you need to think long and hard about how much The low testosterone is effecting your life. It’s well know that long term testosterone use will lead to infertility, even with HCG/HMG. If you can live without it do so for as long as possible.
The fact your aren’t making gains will have very little to do with your natural test level. I doubt anyone would make a massive difference between gains from someone top of range and below it. I had a test level of 16-18 (16-32 range) and I got to 170lbs in near contest shape naturally. That’s at 5’8 which ain’t bad. Chances are your doing something wrong training or nutrition wise.
If you feel you really do need to spend a life time injecting hormones into your self then go down the TRT route. You could always chuck in some prop, orals, tren, NPP etc 8 weeks on, 8-10 weeks off to give your self a boost. Time it in with the docs blood tests and he’ll be none the wiser. Well your lipids, blood count and liver might be a bit of a red flag!
STUDY the stickies in TRT and in steroids sections until you understand them. Stay away from gear at least until you have a good understanding. Talk to your doc about your concerns with TRT and fertility. You must eat more to gain weight. If you can’t do that you won’t see many gains with steroids either.
And as ESX said you can always mix in a cycle with or without TRT. It doesnt have to be one or the other.
I don’t want to be on TRT, i know i can live without it at least under 40.
I want to keep my HPTA safe because i want kids. I can refuse the TRT…
But i have to bulk, i look like a kid, an ado! I tried everything, even with a coach (20 years experience), he tell me that i have to make a bloodwork to check my T level because something is wrong. So why my friends with the same coach, same training and same diet (diferent calories) can take 5-10 kg of lean mass and i am the only one who cannot?
I tried everything over 4 years! That’s why i want to try gear, a beginner cycle to make some gain and continue naturally.
Not sure what having kids has to do with it. Guys come off TRT/Blast and Cruise and father children the whole time. Sperm will return, normally with in a year. Problem is guys on TRT quite often don’t want to stop, which is why conceiving becomes a problem. Same with guys who cruise. Like I said above their are drugs to speed up the return of fertility. Use HCG on cycle, and keep them short 6-8 weeks max, use test only and losing fertility shouldn’t even be an issue.
Also your test level of 3 is within range. So it’s not low. Low end of normal yeah but I can’t imagine that is the reason you didn’t pack on muscle at the same rate as your mates. Are you even gaining weight each month? If you can’t gain weight and strength with out steroids, you might be disappointed with what you get from them.
Also lose some fat. 20% bodyfat for a guy is way to high. You should be 12% max if you care about looking good. That extra fat is probably lowering your test level. Also take Vitamin D3 at 5000ius per day. I bet if you got down to 10-12% and took the vitamin d3 you would increase your t level naturally.
Thank you for your answer bro! So i was just afraid to make something wrong.
I am sur if i decrease my bf everything will be better.
But i tried to cut and after 1 month i look very skinny but always with fat
I am skinny-fat so i dont know if a bulk, i will be fatter, if i cut i will be skinny with thick skin
That’s why i want to try gear and continue naturally
You look skinny when you lose fat because you are skinny. Learn how to cut properly, as after a month of cutting at 20% you shoudnt look any different. It will take a good 16-18 weeks for you to get down to where you need to be. Once you’re at 10-12% then build up from there. It will be easier to stay lean at the lower bodyfat. Your skin will thin once you’ve been at a lower bodyfat for a while.
If you want to use gear to cut then a basic 12 week test e cycle @300mg per week will suffice. But I doubt you’ll need chemicals in order to retain the muscle you currently don’t have. If you bulk now you’ll add may be 12 lbs of muscle but that won’t change your physic. You’ll still be fat. Probably fatter.
You could lose your fertility. But it’s unlikely to be perminent.
Are you even fertile now? Have you had tests done, or are you just assuming that you are?
Ilike I’ve told you, stick to short cycles of 6 weeks, with an AI, HCG, a good PCT and allow plenty of time off (8-10 weeks min) and you should be fine. Get a blood test before starting another cycle to make sure everything is back to how it was.
Little cycles like that are easy on the body and produce good, instant gains.
If steroids do make you sterile then you made your choices and you’ll have to live with them.
Low bf is better for everything. Except being a sumo wrestler.