Cycle Advise: Test+Primo and maybe Var or Winny

So i just finished my TRT cutting which I did for 2.5 months-I ONLY ran TRT. I did a DEXA scan today and came in at 5’8 152lbs 27waist and 12.5% BF I’m 41yo Lean mass 19.0 kg/m2. This is not my first cycle.

My last cycle i ran TRT(i think I ran 203mgs/week)+ Tren E+ Tbol.

I tolerated Tren E kinda well. Towards the end of the cycle i started getting panic attacks weekly, so I def don’t want to run tren again and if i do maybe at the end of my cyle. All my labs though were great throughout cycle along with my HR and BP.

I want to run some more test this cycle and primo. I was thinking:

500mgs test e/week
200mgs primo/week
Aromasin 5mgs EOD
10mgs of Stenabolic SR9009 30 mins b4 training.

I def want to go down in BF some more to make my abs more visible and my sides of my chest more defined but I also want to put on some more mass, so I was thinking of adding some Var or Winny. I liked tbol but i want a dryer/harder look this cycle.

I’m not opposed to sprinkling some tren ace at the end of the cycle since that has a shorter half life.

Thoughts/suggestions on this cycle would greatly be appreciated.


Not sure you’re going to need both.

Gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. lol the goal of every single person who posts their cycles on here it seems like. What happened to getting as big as possible? I guess that’s over now with social media and whatnot.

Steroids build muscle, if it were me I’d maximize that by eating and training for muscle gain and either worry about the fat loss before the cycle or after. At your BF the Var/Winny would likely add to the look you’re after, maybe towards the end.

Good luck either way

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I would like a little more information:

  1. How old are you?
  2. How many years have you lifted weights?
  3. How many AAS cycles have you done?
  4. What is your goal?
  5. Are you planning for bodybuilding competitions in your future?

Check out his two other threads for more info.

Now looking I see that he is 41 years old.

I don’t think drugs are the issue or the answer in this case.
focus on training and diet and perhaps start a log.
We would be glad to help,

I’m going to do a straight bulk. I said recomp in terms in the gear I’m running. Versus a deca+dbol cycle e.g.

I am going to slowly re-introduce calories and work my way up to full blown bulking macros. People in the other thread recommended a 200 calorie increase every 1-2 weeks. I just don’t know how gear effects macros and if I should be going up to 3100 or 3500 in calories if I’m working out 5-6x a week for 1-2 hour sessions.

My weight has kinda fluctuated over the years due to work and school. I’ve cycled several times before. My last cycle was tren e + tbol + TRT. I got great results but the tren side effects got to me towards the end of the cycle.

I just finished a 2.5 months. The only thing I was running was TRT at 200mg/week, cardazol, and cardarine.

I am looking to get a lot bigger. My goal weight is 200lbs but 10% BF or lower.

I ordered my stuff already. I have the primo, test e already. The var is coming in tomorrow or Monday. I have aromasin on hand in case I need it. I also have the SR9009. Some friends suggested I run 500 test and 400 primo. They said I won’t get any results off 200 primo.

Also I’ve lifted for a while. I started at 27 but like I said my weight and body comp has significantly fluctuated over the years due to life. I’m at a point though where I can consistently workout and diet properly without any life variables interfering.

IMO, Deca and Dianabol is a much better mass builder.

Now that is an impressive goal from where you are now!
This begs the question: What have you been doing the last 20 years? 41 years old man aiming on getting about 50lbs of lean muscle gains is a big ask.

12.5% body fat on 152lb man is 19lbs of fat.
19lbs of fat on a 200lb man is 9.5% body fat.
A gain of 48lbs of lean weight will get you to 200lbs and 9.5% body fat.

I was in a really stressful job. I was at 210 and lower than 12% BF at 31 but I got into drugs and heavy drinking in my 30s and lost it. I stopped going to the gym, heavy drinking, eating sour patch kids and burgers.

But I’m at a much better place in my life now and I want to get back to that or better.

If you were there before, you can quickly return to that, but your advanced age makes it a little more challenging and time sensitive.

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I was planning on bumping the primo to 400mg a week and adding 50mg of var a day then end the cycle with tren ace.

Thoughts? First time doing primo but I’ve read that one needs to do 350+ to notice any difference.

I have no experience using Primo.

My experience is from the ‘70’s thru the ‘90’s. The doses we used were so low that no one I knew believed Primo was worth taking. Most used between 400 and 600mg/wk of total AAS.

Deca plus testosterone and an oral provided the best bang for the buck.

Not true at all in my experience, meaning you must run 350 plus.

If you have never run it before, you should tritrate up and keep an eye on your estrogen as your test base will determine how much primo you can run.

So start with 200mg a week then and titrate up in 3-4? My friend suggested 200mg for 4 weeks then go up.

When should I get my E2 checked next?

Also should I start the aromasin at 5mg EOD or wait until in get my e2 labs done?

1 - don’t get the knee jerk reaction to Arimidex or Aromasin unless you need it.
2 - test and prim is a cruise I like. Prim, for me, helps maintain muscle and encourage fat loss. Don’t know why would add to try to gain muscle
3 - your goal suggests, to me, splitting in 2 phases. But if so in one, you could consider anavar at end. But to me, I don’t see why front load the prim.

I’ll hold off on the aromasin then. When should I get my e2 labs done next? Or when should I start the aromasin?

That seems like a good plan.

Run the test for 3 to 4 weeks.
Get your e2 checked.

If your e2 is high or normal to high start primo at 200.

I think that the reason folks think that primo is weak is because of the lack of sides for most folks. It also does not cause as much water and mineral retention as a deca would.

Ok thanks.

You should eat what you need to, and I would measure that not guess at it. You can measure your RMR then use a calculator to estimate your TDEE and then eat a few hundred calories over that. I don’t think you need to go crazy with the calories though.

I used legion macro calculator and got my DEXA scan a few days ago which gave me my resting BMR. It was suggested in another thread not to go straight into bulking macros because I’d gain fat. Several parole suggested I taper 200 calories every week or two until I reach bulking macros numbers.

However, none could tell me if gear affects macros. That’s one thing I’ve always wondered.