So I’ve been working out regularly for 8 years, and the past two I’ve gotten serious and I’m getting into a cutting phase, The split I’ve designed is based on my belief that you don’t need a whole week of rest if you’re just cutting, in my personal experience and what I believe I know (Which isn’t a whole lot, just concepts) that low rep high volume tears more muscle fiber.
Based on the above statement I will be training twice a day, cardio and all, my cardio is extreme due to the fact that I’m getting in shape for a super high endurance requiring job so cardio is 1 min and 2 hour max. Lots of hit and just straight mileage on my legs. All in all my split will look like this,
If started on a monday it would look like so;
Monday Morning: Workout A: Chest 4 exercises X 3 sets, triceps 3 exercises X 3 sets.
Monday Afternoon/Night: Workout B: Legs 4 exercises X 3 sets, Calves (I train them separately from legs but during that day) 3 exercises X 3 sets. After legs I will do my cardio say for this session it’s 1 hour of treadmill HIIT. Ab work, rectus abdominis work & transverse; leg lifts, weighted sit ups etc.
Tuesday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.
Wednesday Morning: Workout C: Back 4 exercises X 3 sets, Traps 2 exercises X 3 sets
Wednesday Afternoon/Night: Workout D: Shoulders 4 exercises (A version of military press, standing/sitting/barbell/dumbell etc. medial head exercise, anterior and posterior work) X 3 sets, Biceps 4 exercises X 3 sets.
Cardio 1 hour HIIT training
Ab work, external & internal obliques.
Thursday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.
Friday: Repeat Monday
Saturday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.
Sunday: Repeat Wednesday
This continues for 2 months.
I will substitute exercises and variations every month to make sure I don’t plateau, but has anyone experimented with cutting phases such as these? I want to work each muscle group at least 2x a week. If you have experimented with it please comment and let me know how it worked on you.
Also a side note: I can include the actual exercises I’m going to do if you need it, but primarily I want to use dumbells whenever possible over barbells, barbell deadlift (wide grip) and barbell squats are a must for me though.
I will also be DOUBLING all of my nutritional needs so that I don’t over train and I can feed the muscles as much as possible, I’m doing this on a lower but not extremely low carb diet due to how much endurance training and the overall amount of time i’m training, lots of veggies & fruit, probably about 3k calories should allow me to cut I’ll play with it a bit and I’ll be taking BSN No-Xplode, Weight Gainer & AnimalPak Mutlivitamins, if you guys can recommend another great supplement go ahead I’ve really only expiermented with MVS, Whey Protein, Creatine and Glutamine.