Cutting Theory, Got Any Input?

So I’ve been working out regularly for 8 years, and the past two I’ve gotten serious and I’m getting into a cutting phase, The split I’ve designed is based on my belief that you don’t need a whole week of rest if you’re just cutting, in my personal experience and what I believe I know (Which isn’t a whole lot, just concepts) that low rep high volume tears more muscle fiber.

Based on the above statement I will be training twice a day, cardio and all, my cardio is extreme due to the fact that I’m getting in shape for a super high endurance requiring job so cardio is 1 min and 2 hour max. Lots of hit and just straight mileage on my legs. All in all my split will look like this,

If started on a monday it would look like so;

Monday Morning: Workout A: Chest 4 exercises X 3 sets, triceps 3 exercises X 3 sets.
Monday Afternoon/Night: Workout B: Legs 4 exercises X 3 sets, Calves (I train them separately from legs but during that day) 3 exercises X 3 sets. After legs I will do my cardio say for this session it’s 1 hour of treadmill HIIT. Ab work, rectus abdominis work & transverse; leg lifts, weighted sit ups etc.

Tuesday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.

Wednesday Morning: Workout C: Back 4 exercises X 3 sets, Traps 2 exercises X 3 sets
Wednesday Afternoon/Night: Workout D: Shoulders 4 exercises (A version of military press, standing/sitting/barbell/dumbell etc. medial head exercise, anterior and posterior work) X 3 sets, Biceps 4 exercises X 3 sets.
Cardio 1 hour HIIT training
Ab work, external & internal obliques.

Thursday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.

Friday: Repeat Monday

Saturday Morning/Night: Cardio 1.5/2 hours Endurance specific.

Sunday: Repeat Wednesday

This continues for 2 months.

I will substitute exercises and variations every month to make sure I don’t plateau, but has anyone experimented with cutting phases such as these? I want to work each muscle group at least 2x a week. If you have experimented with it please comment and let me know how it worked on you.

Also a side note: I can include the actual exercises I’m going to do if you need it, but primarily I want to use dumbells whenever possible over barbells, barbell deadlift (wide grip) and barbell squats are a must for me though.

I will also be DOUBLING all of my nutritional needs so that I don’t over train and I can feed the muscles as much as possible, I’m doing this on a lower but not extremely low carb diet due to how much endurance training and the overall amount of time i’m training, lots of veggies & fruit, probably about 3k calories should allow me to cut I’ll play with it a bit and I’ll be taking BSN No-Xplode, Weight Gainer & AnimalPak Mutlivitamins, if you guys can recommend another great supplement go ahead I’ve really only expiermented with MVS, Whey Protein, Creatine and Glutamine.

picture log! :slight_smile: sounds like a fun plan! good luck and enjoy ;p

Also Here’s the actual routine I conjured up, it will be tweaked to fit me personally but off the top of my head this would hit me hard.

Chest - Incline dumbell: 25-20-18, Cable Flys x 25 20 18, Decline barbell press: 25-20-18 and One arm dumbell bench press: 25, 20, 18.

Triceps - Dips:20, 18, 15 (until burnt out on body weight each time), Skull crushers (To forehead): 25, 20, 18, Rope pull downs: 25, 20, 18.

Legs - Squat (week 1)/ Front squat (week 2): 20, 18, 18, 15, 15, Box jumps: 20, 20, 20, Leg Press: 20, 18, 18, 15.
Calves: Leg press calf raise: 25, 20, 18, Standing Dumbell calf raise: 25, 20, 18, and Machine single leg seated calf raise: 25, 20, 18.

Back - Deadlift (wide grip on a platform at least 2 inches in height ): 20, 18, 15. Bent over dumbell rows: 25, 20, 18. Wide grip pull ups: 20, 15. Narrow grip pull ups: 18, 15. Something similar to a lat pull down but it’s on a fixed machine rather then cables and you can do them single arm either under or over hand, i will reverse grips every week and do them single handed; 20, 18, 15.

Traps - Hangclean/Powerclean: 20, 18, 15. Barbell Shrugs: 20, 18, 15.
Shoulders - Military Dumbell press: 25, 20, 18. Leaning lateral raises: 25, 20, 20. (Dropsets every third week.) Front raises: 25, 20, 20 (dropsets every third week) Bent over dumbell rear delt raise: 25, 20, 20 (dropsets every third week.)

Biceps: Standing hammer curl: 25, 20, 20. Concentration curls: 25, 20, 20. Single arm hammer preacher curls: 25, 20, 20. Lying high bench dumbell curl, wide grip: 25, 20, 20.

Forearms: Cable reverse wrist curl: 25, 20, 18. Barbell wrist curl: 25, 20, 18.

On second thought I realize that doing HIIT training after a solid twice a day routine is flawed and I would switch the endurance (light intensity) to that day and HIIT to off days.

Looks like an interesting theory, but I’d be careful with it. You may not want to gain muscle, but you still have to recover from the damage you do to yourself. If you don’t you’ll eventually end up tearing something in a bad way. At the very least you’ll be getting a lot of adhesions that will take therapy to work out. You’ll also very likely get inflammation problems and some serious tendinitis. You need off days, unless your endurance cardio consists of long walks. Joints take a pounding with tons of endurance running and need time off too.

Check out Waterbury’s high frequency stuff and Thibs “destroying Fat” articles for some interesting sources. They synthesize a lot of good theory into their programs.