Hey, there, vdawg. I can see you’ve been reading the board for a while. Your post has all the information any of us could need for a critique.
I’ll start off with your workout. 5x5 is not a bad choice. But honestly, since you’re using chemical assistance, you’d be safe with a hypertrophy program. 5x5 is more of a strength program and doesn’t provide enough volume for maximal hypertrophy. If you like strength work, look at Chad Waterbury’s Anti-BodyBuilding Hypertrophy.
Suggestion #2 (without the explanation (unless you ask)), separate cardio and weight training. Cardio in the morning and weight training at night would be optimal, and your goals would be better served. It’s an “opportunity.” (grin)
The six meals is a very good thing! Excellent!!!
You even have PWO nutrition. Very, very good! I assume it’s a PWO drink??? (crossing fingers) Maltodextrin or dextrose? (crossing fingers second time)
Okay. Let’s talk about food choices. Some people do well with dairy. Some people don’t. I am not a fan of dairy when cutting. There are better forms of protein and better forms of carbs. Do a search on galactose here on the forum. I’ve written about it extensively.
Protein shakes are convenient, but I’d like to see you getting more “real” food. One benefit of chewing your protein is that it takes more calories to break it down.
Okay, let me give you some numbers to hit.
Protein when you’re “on” should be 2g per pound of TBW. That’s 340g of protein per day. Carb intake should be about the same, 340g. The two combined are already hitting 2720 calories. Fat intake should be low when you’re on (because carb intake is higher than when you’re not “on”). In general when you raise carbs, you need to drop fat and vice versa. Think of a see-saw. Instead of flaxseed oil, go ahead and switch to 6g of EPA/DHA (found in fish oil). Other than that, don’t add fat. Just take in whatever fat you get in the lean cuts of meat you eat.
Your diet, the numbers, when you’re “off” will be different, of course. But the goal here is to protect and even maximize LBM gains. Believe it or not, that means enough calories and the correct ratio of macronutrients.
Okay. That’s pretty much it. Questions or comments? (grin)