This is my first time posting after being a long time reader. Currently I’m sitting around 15%-17% body fat and I have started a true cutting program trying to get as low as possible. I am 5’9 and I weigh in at 185lb full of water. Since I’m not worried about looking shredded I’ve continued to drink about 2 gallons of water a day. My current diet looks something like this -
4oz of free range chicken
1 hard boiled omega-3 free range egg
1 scoop whey/egg protein blend
1 pro-biotic
1 Fucothin
2 Fiber tablets
5ml Fish oil
365 Calories 53g Protein 9g Carbs
I eat “breakfast” 4 times a day. And Fucothin is a natural seaweed extract thermogenic. I’m taking it to try and help my metabolism as much I can without taking some freaky supplements.
2 scoops Controlled Labs Purple Lab (EEAC and BCAA)
0 Calories 0 Protein 0 Carbs
2 scoops MHP Dark Matter
240 Calories 12g Protein
2 scoops casein
2 fiber tablets
265 Calories 48g Protein 13g Carbs
I eat all my meals 2-3 hours apart and I’m drinking around 2 gallons of water a day.
Add it up and you’re looking at 1965 Calories 272g Protein 61g Carbs (48g of that being post-workout)
My current workout scheme is basically nothing special. I don’t change weight but instead measure my progression by getting as close as I can to completing all my sets with perfect form, tempo, and of course the full amount of reps.
Day 1 - Arms
Barbell Curl 4x12 55lb
One Arm Preacher Curl 4x12 30lb
Hammer Curl 4x12 20lb
Body weight Dips 4x12
Close Grip Bench 4x12 115lb
Tricep Extension [rope attachment] 4x12 60lb
Day 2 - Forearms/Calves
Captains of Crush #1 Gripper 4x10
Straight Bar Reverse Curl 4x12 55lb
Straight Bar Wrist Curl 4x12 75lb
Barbell Calf Raise 4x12 225lb
Barbell Calf Raise [feet inverted] 4x12 225lb
Barbell Calf Raise [feet extroverted] 4x12 225lb
Day 3 - Chest/Back
Chest Press Machine 4x12 165lb
Incline Chest Press Machine 4x12 135lb
Decline Dumbbell Flys 4x12 20lb
Pull Ups (all the way down/up) 4x10
T-Bar Row 4x12 90lb
Dumbbell Row 4x12 50lb
Day 4 - Shoulder/Traps
Cleans [barbell from hanging up to chin] 3x12 85lb
Arnold Press 3x12 30lb
Side Delt Raise 3x12 15lb
Front Delt Raise 3x12 20lb
Dumbbell Shrug 4x12 90lb
Overhead Shrug [performed w/ a squat machine] 4x12 140lb
Dumbbell Shrug 4x12 85lb
Day 5 - Legs
Squat 5x5 225lb
Deadlift 5x5 225lb
I just completed this cycle for the first time yesterday and it definitely needs some tweaking. It will take a couple time before I am definitely maximizing every workout. My chief concern however is my legs. I enjoy compound movements for legs so I stuck with the big lifts and I figure lifting heav[y][ier] will help retain some of the little muscle I possess (which is all on my legs, namely my calves) and there is just the fact that squatting for high reps is hell. But I want to stick with squat because I suck at it. I suck at a lot of the things I’m doing.
My tempo through out all my exercises is as fast a concentric motion as possible and a nice easy eccentric motion, usually around 2 good seconds. My rest period is 1 minute between reps and 2 minutes between exercises with the exception of legs where I have 2 minutes between sets and 4 between exercises.
Any feedback at all is greatly appriciated. I’m always learning but I figure I’ll learn a little more if I ask to be taught.
I will be posting more on my progress as the days go on. I end my diet on September 22. I do not plan however on keeping a log because I see it as being tedious but I will make sure I post some relatively correct numbers ASAP.