these last 4 weeks are the first time ive been serious about cuting , the problem im having is im running out of work out intensity and strength about 10 minuts into the work out
do i need to be adding more carbs
stats 37 205 pounds 9%bf ASS 100MGprop ed 37.5mg tren ed 150mg EQ will be adding sus when it arrives HCG 250 IU twice a week
Drop the carbs (especially the HFCS filled Gatorade) PWO. Eat all of your carbs before your workout, and then spike your insulin immediately before your workout. Drink Whey or Whey and WMS during your workout to prevent a drop in blood sugar. This should keep you with plenty of energy for your workout, even though you aren’t eating carbs at any other meal.
Do not eat any carbs post workout, just some whey and then a high protein meal. For the rest of the day stick to proteins + fats + green vegetables.
I can think of at least three threads that discuss this more in depth and how well it works. All of them are on the first page of either Christian Thibaudeau’s forum or the T-Cell Alpha. I’m sure you’re smart enough to find them.
thanks for the reply , i have always been told the pow carb is the most important but i shall follow your advice as the way im doing it right now aint workin thanks for the research tip too
excuse my ignornance but what is the period you refer to . Ozi
sorry should have explained myself properly im only running the prop and tren for 6 weeks
then switching to EQ 600MG/W AND 200MG SUS/W FOR 14 WEEKS TO INCREASE COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS to repair screwed tendon in the elbow
as far as gear price in oz its all about who you know and im well sorted there
[quote]ozi wrote:
DOHCRAZY was your mom and dad upset when you told them you were gay[/quote]
That’s a hell of a way to talk to someone who just took the time out of his life to offer you the help you asked for.
And no, this is not the grammar forum, but don’t expect to receive too much help for too long when you write like Jeff Spicoli with a pole through his head, and you snip at those that help you like an old lady’s spoiled chihuahua.
ive just completed 3 months of atropinon blood injections direct into the tendon and have been training at 70 % of 1 irm for 5 months tendon is gtg so its time to take it up a notch .
ill get some npp as directed thanks for the heads up . The only reason im using the EQ is that when reasearched it was found to increase procolaagen synthesis by 340
%340 as long as test does not exceed 200mgper week deca was only 180% and i figure less prolactin sides from EQ
Full stops , i feel no need to continue that part of the conversation .
if ive offended you i a apologise , im just not a fan of internet insults much rather have these things said face to face then one at least has the opportuniy to sort it out there and then
ive just completed 3 months of atropinon blood injections direct into the tendon and have been training at 70 % of 1 irm for 5 months tendon is gtg so its time to take it up a notch .
ill get some npp as directed thanks for the heads up . The only reason im using the EQ is that when reasearched it was found to increase procolaagen synthesis by 340
%340 as long as test does not exceed 200mgper week deca was only 180% and i figure less prolactin sides from EQ
Full stops , i feel no need to continue that part of the conversation .
Those figures regarding collagen synthesis have been discussed here recently, actually.
None of us have seen the supposed research that generated those figures, so I strongly suspect they’re fabricated.
yeah i cant authenticate the article i read either , as the authuor was not named i have been working with the doctor from the wallaby rugby team and he has tried it with exceptional results so thats what im basing it on .
BBB Opinion would i be better off putting my self on trt once this cycle is complete