Cutting cycle

Hey everybody. i am on a cycle right now of test enthanate by tornell and deca by tornell for 8 weeks. my goal is to hit 200-210lbs. and my precycle stats were 6’0 at 177lbs. i am doing 400mg of test for weeks 1-2, 600mg for week 3-6, and 400 mg weeks 7-8. i am doing the deca at 400mg at weeks 1-8. i plan on giving myself a one month break and then jump right into a cutting cycle for summer which includes 50mg of winny every day for 6 weeks, 15mg of oxandrolone for 6 weeks with EQ at 300mg for 8 weeks. i want to go from 10% bf to 5-6% and was wondering if my cutting cycle will get me there. my other question is should i use HCG after my test and deca cycle with clomid and proviron or will the EQ, oxandrolone, and winny affect my tests levels as well and i should wait until after my cutting cycle to use them. i dont know for sure if winny oxandrolone and EQ will affect my test levels thats why i am looking for expert advice. please help me out. thanks

First, what’s with the tapering? Just use 500mg/Test all the way through 1-8.

Also, I think the one month off is pointless and probably harmful. You’ll be sub-par in your natural test levels for most of that, then you jump back in and yes the cutting cycle you mention will completely shut off your nuts in no time.

Personally, I would do this:
Weeks 1-8 are fine (Test 500mg/Deca 400mg)
Weeks 8-12
100mg/Test Propionate EOD
400mg EQ
50mg Winnie/ED
Anavar 15mg? Well, won’t hurt I guess…

Week 12 - HCG three times
Week 12-15 Clomid ED