Cut Up to Bulk Up - Berardi

Ive tried searching, but cannot find, an article by John Berardi in which he talks about first getting lean…below 10% BF…before you start a mass gaining phase. Specifically in which he points out the bias twords muscle versus fat when youve first gotten very lean before increasing calories to gain size.

If anyone knows and can shoot me that article location; I would be much appreciative!



Hey PTR DR, I looked around and could not find a thing.

This article sounds interesting so if you find it, send me a link if you will.

Try his site, he has an archive of all the stuff he’s written here

You can find it on John Berardi’s website, in the “Appetite for Construction” of Jul. 27 2001 :slight_smile:

Thank you guys! I found the article on his website!

Happy New Year to ya!


Are you referring to the GSD?