First of Id like to say that we cant get MAG-10 or anaconda in beautiful Australia.
So Iv done some research into Pepto pro. Now the question is. Im going to take this shake during training. peri style
20g pepto pro
10g citrulline
5-7g beta-alanine
5g creatine
Should I also take 30minutes before training more citrulline, beta-A and creatine (same dosing) to get it all into the system. It will be mixed with a cordial/squash for flavour and carbs.
Does this seem to be a good idea or am I overlooking something?
Iv used casine hydro before, a real nasty form. That tasted like anus but I got used to it after the first kilo. The pepto pro website said there product is tasteless. Iv never used the citrulline before does that taste bitter? I guess there is only one way to see how it goes.
Everything mixed really well together. Could not be happier.
I took Biotest Power Drive 30 minutes before workout.
Ended up with around…
25g pepto pro
10g creatine
5g beta alanine
10-15g citrulline malate
and a scoop of powerade/gatorade powder.
Tasted fine. Kinda like a weak lemonade.
I didnt add leucine because it does not mix well in water and taste like rectum…
Im getting back into training after afew weeks off over Christmas. So have been sore. First time I’v hit legs, this year, hard. So tomorrow I guess I’ll find out if it worked.
Over all I say it is great. Untill Biotest gets anaconda and MAG-10 into Australia I’ll keep using this protocol.
Crystal Light (or the Walmart equivalent) should be a staple when working with custom CH, CM, BA, etc. mixes.
If you have the option, choose a flavor for your custom shake where you can easily find similar flavorings from the above to help augment it if you don’t feel it is quite strong enough.
[quote]anonym wrote:
Crystal Light (or the Walmart equivalent) should be a staple when working with custom CH, CM, BA, etc. mixes.
If you have the option, choose a flavor for your custom shake where you can easily find similar flavorings from the above to help augment it if you don’t feel it is quite strong enough.[/quote]
The Mixture without flavour had a slightly bitter taste. Not strong, could have easily drunk it but was just nicer with the lemon/lime gatorade. Not to add the added “wank” factor of the eletrolytes.