CT's Shoulder Overhaul Program


For the workouts on the other body parts, what sort of sets/reps schemes are people using? The initial phase has two shoulder workouts per week, which are low-weight high-rep workouts.

Anyone have any thoughts as to whether one should use a low-weight, high-rep scheme on the other body parts as well? Or just a 5x5 type plan? Or something else?


I think CT answered this at the end of the article. Something about using similar loading and set/rep schemes for the rest of the body so as to not confuse the body. Check out the posts at the end of the article to read CT’s response as opposed to some jack-ass’s (read: me) sorry attempt to paraphrase it.


I had printed it up right after it came out, and hadn’t thought to look back at the comments to see if my question might have already been addressed.