So I was relaxing just writing a poem and randomly I get a pm from the MacDaddy that is entitled Thread. I click the link, and what is it? A thread that has some new guy calling me out. So String Cheese I’ll answer your questions.
The history
So big so young?
I started training when I was around five, so I’m not young in terms of lifting experience, only chronologically. you didnt list the years training, ya kno everyone’s chilhood isnt sunshine and rainbows
Training history?
pretty much oly lifts for the most part, incline benching, squats. up until late yast summer I was never interested in bodybuilding…in a way I’m not totally into it
but anyway I wanted to change my body and incorporate some iso lifts in so I can stop looking like the brick guy from fantastic four.
my faja always trained my bro(who is 23 and 285 at 6’2 has always been into bbing) and I with the low rep high volume 10 x 3,4,5 twice a week for years switching it up every now and then
but that was pretty much it high volume o-lifts
consuming large amounts of cals?
um get more food! duh, are you serious?
and I’m 320 coming off a cycle of SD, I used it fr the first time in april and I’m finishing up the pct this week
not much of a diest history
My family hates all resturants so I’ve always had home cooked food and none of the diet that is typical
best lifts?
as of late the pullover floor press, I just love how it feels
sets of with no assit currently
some interesting facs about me?
I’m a masochist and I used to cut myself