[quote]elevationgain wrote:
And it seems as if the head dude “Coach” is really against everything we stand for. As leaders who are losing grips on the reigns often do, he challenged his competitor (TC) to a contest to prove once and forall who’s the better man, for $10,000.
“Oh yeah? I challenge you to a duel, with my women, no-less! I’ll show you a thing or two!”
Of course this coach dude is not going to actually make this challenge actually invovle himself, just some of ‘his’ women (as if he has anything to do with their training). Look at the dude’s picture, do you think he practices much of anything that his site preaches?
I really wish this was, as someone else said, like Gangs of New York. Cause I’ve got a big metal Celtic cross and a broadsword that were waiting for this such event.
You should read their threads on protein powder supplementation.
Pretty much everyone against anything powder form. The basic idea being, that the body will only absorp a limited amount of the protein ingested in liquid form.
And it seems as if the head dude “Coach” is really against everything we stand for. As leaders who are losing grips on the reigns often do, he challenged his competitor (TC) to a contest to prove once and forall who’s the better man, for $10,000.
Are you serious?
He challenged me?
This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Yes. I went over there and couldn’t find the post where he challenged you. They may have deleted it. But he did in fact challenge you to do the following workout faster than the 3 chicks who did it (using only 95 lbs. for the clean). Basically you need to beat 9:47 and he will pay you $10,000.
TC, since you’re slow-twitch dominant (or so you’ve said), this should not be too hard. The squats are bodyweight. You may have a problem with the muscle ups but if you can crank out pull ups and dips you can learn the muscle up.
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps
Post time to comments.
With 95 pounds Annie 9:47, Eva 10:16, Nicole 12:51
And it seems as if the head dude “Coach” is really against everything we stand for. As leaders who are losing grips on the reigns often do, he challenged his competitor (TC) to a contest to prove once and forall who’s the better man, for $10,000.
Are you serious?
He challenged me?
This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Here it is.
"JHomes #89, Robb #103
“A website for housewives and pampered stockbrokers” - T.C. Testosterone Nation
Can TC best ANY of the three girls in this video? media.crossfit.com/cf-video/051204.wmv
I know the answer. Hell no. Would a $10,000 wager draw him out? There’s no chance. T.C. is a fraud.
According to T.C. the soldiers depicted on CF are not real but a CrossFit marketing gimmick(I’m not going to defend the Warfighters; there’s no need to defend them to the likes of this idiot). That is a breathtaking accusation coming from the proprietor of T-Nation, one of the cheesiest sites on the Web - and supplement salesmen no less. For the record: we’ve done no marketing, no advertising, no promotion. I don’t think anyone in my industry has turned down more opportunity for promotion than I have. (Find another fitness guy who’s turned down a book deal from a major literary agency)
Zeb was banned/blocked from this site for pretending to be a bunch of different people. He is now at T-Nation doing the same thing except this time they’re all highly respected authorities. Priceless.
Dan John called me to explain his writing for T-Nation as “whoring” himself and something about the kids and college coming up and money. This is after asking if he could use my CrossFit Journals as the textbook for his new “Dream Job”. I GAVE him rights to our most valued IP to which he was very effusive in his thanks (“Thank you, thank you, thank you,…” was the phone message). And today he cannot muster a single word in defense of CrossFit when publicly called to? I understand whoring, kind of, what I don’t understand is cowardice. Sad display of values, Dan.
This is not fun for me. It’s profoundly saddening, even sickening.
I am so proud of this community, who we are, who we’re not. Thank you, everyone. I’m made better by serving you.
Comment #116 - Posted by Coach at January 20, 2006 08:29 PM "
“A website for housewives and pampered stockbrokers” - T.C. Testosterone Nation
Can TC best ANY of the three girls in this video? media.crossfit.com/cf-video/051204.wmv
I know the answer. Hell no. Would a $10,000 wager draw him out? There’s no chance. T.C. is a fraud.
According to T.C. the soldiers depicted on CF are not real but a CrossFit marketing gimmick(I’m not going to defend the Warfighters; there’s no need to defend them to the likes of this idiot). That is a breathtaking accusation coming from the proprietor of T-Nation, one of the cheesiest sites on the Web - and supplement salesmen no less. For the record: we’ve done no marketing, no advertising, no promotion. I don’t think anyone in my industry has turned down more opportunity for promotion than I have. (Find another fitness guy who’s turned down a book deal from a major literary agency)
Zeb was banned/blocked from this site for pretending to be a bunch of different people. He is now at T-Nation doing the same thing except this time they’re all highly respected authorities. Priceless.
Dan John called me to explain his writing for T-Nation as “whoring” himself and something about the kids and college coming up and money. This is after asking if he could use my CrossFit Journals as the textbook for his new “Dream Job”. I GAVE him rights to our most valued IP to which he was very effusive in his thanks (“Thank you, thank you, thank you,…” was the phone message). And today he cannot muster a single word in defense of CrossFit when publicly called to? I understand whoring, kind of, what I don’t understand is cowardice. Sad display of values, Dan.
This is not fun for me. It’s profoundly saddening, even sickening.
I am so proud of this community, who we are, who we’re not. Thank you, everyone. I’m made better by serving you.
TC, you’re my boy and all, but I don’t think watching you do that workout in those outfits, while bouncing your ass off of those balls, wouldn’t be quite as appealing as the current video.
I have done crossfit workouts in the past to increase GPP levels, and indeed still use them as part of my current training programme. The site has some good instructional clips on, and a nice links section.
However, the message board is absolutely cringe worthy. It’s a like a convention of born again christians on too much prozac. There are some exceptions - notably Dan John and a lad who trains strongman - but by and large I just can’t take all the mutual back slapping and smugness.
The coach also seems like a complete and utter twat. I’m all for having confidence in your methods, but he seems to think crossfit will do everything from build super-human levels of muscle and strength to cure cancer and help you win marathons. It’s nauseating.
The comments about Dan John above were the icing on the cake for me. He is without a doubt the LEAST controversial coach on the whole web, (I mean in his personality - not necessarily his training methods…).
…and another thing with that site, they think they have the exclusive rights to intelligent s&c discussion. I’ve seen them slate this site for some of the responses DJ got to his OLAD article, (to be fair, some of the questions were somewhat inane - but hey, that’s what comes with freedom of speech) but then I see equally dumb questions asked all the time over there. EG, the wod will be a bunch of singles on the deadlift, and you can guarentee at least half a dozen people will ask “err, so am I supposed to go heavy or light on these??”. It’s a fucking single for the love of god - what do you think???
And then there’s the nauseating cliques on the comments section - there’s clearly an unwritten rule that states everything one of the females or mods does must be followed by at least 20 sycophantic responses praising them to high heaven and asking when they are going to take over from God in running the universe. Doesn’t matter if the numbers you post are superior, if you aint in the gang then you aint getting mentioned.
Is that true about the “soldiers” being a gimmick? I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. A lot of trainers boast about having elite military clients. Why the fuck would an “elite” soldier need something like crossfit anyway?
One more thing, I just watched that video. I don’t think I really get it. Am I missing something? Why are they bouncing off a ball like that? I’m sure those pull up things are tough and serve their purpose…but this can’t be the best training system around.
[quote]Sxio wrote:
I laugh at his ‘warfighters’ term. Hilarious. How a grown man could use a term like that is beyond me. [/quote]
Most of the people I know that use that term are civilian wannabes who either:
1.never had the balls to join but think that working out, shooting guns, wearing SOCOM t-shirts, and using mil speak somehow makes them high speed.
spent a whopping 2-4 years in but still think or want to believe they are still one of “the boys down range”. They really are the worst. Kinda like reliving their highschool football days, and of course they were “All-State” but never got a college scholarship.
[quote]Will Tagye wrote:
Sxio wrote:
I laugh at his ‘warfighters’ term. Hilarious. How a grown man could use a term like that is beyond me.
Most of the people I know that use that term are civilian wannabes who either:
1.never had the balls to join but think that working out, shooting guns, wearing SOCOM t-shirts, and using mil speak somehow makes them high speed.
spent a whopping 2-4 years in but still think or want to believe they are still one of “the boys down range”. They really are the worst. Kinda like reliving their highschool football days, and of course they were “All-State” but never got a college scholarship.
I know exactly how you feel and what you mean.
That Harvey motherfucker on Celebrity Fit club always tells people to “get back in the firefight” and every time he does I just cringe.
I go to a skeet/trap/indoor range to shoot clays now and again, and when you walk through the front door there are a bunch of these guys talking about knowing a “boat guy” or “so and so ‘being with the teams.’”
And it seems as if the head dude “Coach” is really against everything we stand for. As leaders who are losing grips on the reigns often do, he challenged his competitor (TC) to a contest to prove once and forall who’s the better man, for $10,000.
Are you serious?
He challenged me?
This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Yes. I went over there and couldn’t find the post where he challenged you. They may have deleted it. But he did in fact challenge you to do the following workout faster than the 3 chicks who did it (using only 95 lbs. for the clean). Basically you need to beat 9:47 and he will pay you $10,000.
TC, since you’re slow-twitch dominant (or so you’ve said), this should not be too hard. The squats are bodyweight. You may have a problem with the muscle ups but if you can crank out pull ups and dips you can learn the muscle up.
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps
Post time to comments.
With 95 pounds Annie 9:47, Eva 10:16, Nicole 12:51
Will he pay me $10,000 if I can do it with video proof?
The challenge seems childish considering its not the coach performing the challenge. Although after watching the video I must say those girls are super impressive. The coach should not hide behind the athletes that use his site. TC could challenge Coach to perform the same workout as Shawn Lattimer or Dave Tate and see if he could put up a 700+ lb bench or 900 lb squat, but thats silly.
After investigating Crossfit its obvious they are a group of intelligent people with solid goals and overall fitness, but that coach of theirs is giving them a bad rap.
Does Coach understand that in any due time the body will adapt to do a given repeated event better, be that with more weight, faster time, better recover, etc?
Hey Coach, I’ll challenge you out on my course. $10,000 if you can beat me at Ironman Lake Placid. But you wouldn’t take that, coward.